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Island of Dragonshore

Located somewhat to the east of the main Penisula's of the Veld, but readily reachable by each, the Island of Dragonshore bears it's name for it's most memorable inhabitants.    While Dragons exist throughout the world, and have been seen in places as far apart as the misty cities of the far south and the frozen tips of the Dvargrfell mountains, they seem to particularly thrive upon this Isle.


The Island itself rises from rocky beaches to form jutting hills and jagged would-be-mountains that never quite manage it.  The Land is broken, the southern side of it has far more directly arable land than the north, and this is where the majority of human settlements are.  The center of the Island is dominated by forboding forests that give way to dark, nightmarish bogs and swamps into which the islands northern half inevitably slides.    These different geographies hold to different elements of the Islands namesake.  While, like much of the Veld, there are countless ruins of the Giant Kingdoms, they are often more well maintained than in other places, be it via Dragon or Giant minders.

Localized Phenomena

Dragons, as they age, develop the ability to alter and suffuse the land with their essence.  Many area's of the Island are thus somewhat alien; strange mists that never seem to vanish.  Terrain that seems almost hostile to those that travel there.  Rivulets in solid stone carved by acid.  Those native to the Island learn to recognize these as the presence of old dragons with powerful lairs and to retreat from them.


The Island of Dragonshore was, as many area's were, inhabited by the Great Giant Kingdoms centuries ago.  The Giants there seemed to have used it as some sort of seat of power, and much like the humans who live their now, contested with the Dragons for dominence of the Island.   Ruins exist throughout the Island, but unlike many other places, a population of Giant's still exists on this Island.  These giants, Stone Giants, serve to preserve the ancient ruins and follow orders set down by their elders in times almost beyond memory.  Whatever great conflicts ended the Giant Kingdoms of the Island, the Dragons remember and seem, on some level to honour ancient treaties and rites with these giants.   Humans have resided on the island for centuries now, and they, because of the nature of the Island, are a hard people.  Triumph over Dragons is almost the only metric of bravery and strength they use, and there is nary a family that has not lost sons and daughters to the beasts.  Still they honour the Dragons as a power beyond measure, and as proof that the world is a testing ground for those who would seek Valhalla.     Because of how difficult it is to survive, the Island has almost always been governed by which-ever single Jarl is bold enough to hold it.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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