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Hill Giant

The Hill Giants are the smallest and weakest of the 'Proper' Giants as descendent from the Joten of old.  Most consider them, along with the Stone Giants, to be those of this race of beings who have most absorbed the 'stuff' of Midgard  Standing almost 3 grown men tall, easily able to reach the top of most dwellings, the Hill Giant walks in the world as if it were built for children.  Their prodigious strength and size gives them few natural enemies save Human , Dwarf , and Goblins , and a few other very powerful monstrous beings.  They have predigious appetites however, and generally do not have enough sophistication to plant.   Most thus survive on some combination of hunting, fishing, and gathering supplies from wooded or hilly area's.  They will take from small communiites and some have managed to enter bargains with villages to be supplied with food in exchange for not attacking the town, or even coming to their aid with physical labour.   Small groups; family units, even tribes, exist throughout The Veld , and into the North, but they are often made Thralls by more powerful Giants, such as the Frost Giant and Fire Giant  Most Hill Giants one encounters will speak a local dialect, such as Veld  or Dwarven , as well as the ancient Giant Tongue of their fellows.


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