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Inke was the Daughter of Svenhold the Brother of Otto , and thus a Cousin to the present Jarl. She was a leader, a fierce Warrior and some say she was a Valkyrie in the flesh. Her savagery on the battlefield made her many allies, and she was one of those posed to try and become Queen after her uncle died. She did not have as much support as Oskar Serpent-bane or Jarl Bjornkarl , and so she backed her Cousin, hoping to use her familial relations to control the King from behind the scenes.   This proved a somewhat vein goal. Bjornkarl proved to be more deft than she had ever imagined; the person she knew as a scholarly boy more interested in scrolls and songs then the sword turned out to have a far better sense of the structures of power and how to manage it.   She had a strange relationship with her Jarl. She thought him Week, both in body and spirit, though she cannot deny the skill with which he has consolidated his power, nor the support he seems to derive. She knew she has no hope of defeating him while Oskar Serpent-bane and others supported him, and so she chafed under what is a short leash. His ethics and enjoyment of foreign culture and goods also grates on her, so she went Viking as often as she could and boded her time.   As a prominent leader and organizer, especially of Reavers and those who enjoyed raiding, she was often used as a vanguard. She was also used as a diplomat from time to time; when the use of strength and the representative of one's own blood was felt best by the Jarl.   After a meeting in which she and the Firestarters met with Jarl Selibold , she made her move, attempting to keep the Firestarters from the Jarl's side and aiming to overthrow him. In this battle she was defeated, proving she was a deadly warrior, but finding her limits.   She was sentenced to the Blood Eagle and while she held out during this ordeal; delivered with her Cousins own hand, in the end she cried out and dishonoured herself, consigning herself to Hel .
212 AF 239 AF 27 years old


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