Fort Temerity

Fort Temerity is a fortress of Arduli. It is one of The Four Forts, and is both the furthest and least populated among them. Fort Temerity acts as the capital of the Exarchate of Yurakolio. Most of its population are soldiers in the Dicarian Legions and its families. Fort Temerity in particular has become well known as the post for soldiers that Arduli wishes to be rid of.  

Government and Defences

Fort Temerity is the capital of the Exarchate of Yurakolio, one of the largest exarchates of Arduli. The exarch of Fort Temerity is the female Bithedian topaz dragonborn, Exarch Aramyse Nyphedis. She inherited the position in 1358 MT, after her father, Exarch Nayax Nyphedis, the founder of their house, passed away.   While once an important border fortification, the necessity of Fort Temerity has been greatly diminished. As such, it only has a single allagion of the Dicarion Legions under its command. The Exarchate of Yurakolio had formerly commanded a fleet of ships from its port in the village of Rokymia, but the command of these ships has since been transferred to Kyanos and Port Euphoria. Rokymia is now a dilapidated ghost town.  


The Exarchate of Yurakolio is a greatly impoverished region as a result of the founding of Port Euphoria. As such, Exarch Aramyse is trying to find ways to make the region more prosperous, including sending scouts out to find mineable ores in the mountains.   Agriculture in Fort Temerity comes from fishing the nearby Tousal River and Coravian Sea, as well as a limited amount of farming.  


Fort Temerity is situated on the side of Mount Masari. It faces east towards the Coravian Sea, allowing it to survey the near entirety of Yurakolio. The nearby Tousal River provides most of the fort’s fresh water. The Four Forts Dynastic Road ends at Fort Temerity.   Within the walls of Fort Temerity is a small residential area. Most of those living in the castle are soldiers and their families. Farmers and residents in the surrounding area sometimes come to trade. Landmarks in Fort Temerity include:
  • The Blue Candle - the only inn and tavern in Fort Temerity. Despite the fort having such a small population, the Blue Candle is often busy. It is owned by the scarred female half-orc Isabel Darkcloud, a former Toxotiary archer who retired from the army and established the inn after being garrisoned there after the loss of her eye.
  • The Sparkling Den - a general store run by the female Kobold Tiss. It is the primary store in town, and most residents shop there for just about anything. It has a wide variety of wares, as Tiss enjoys purchasing things from nearly every single merchant that has wandered through Fort Temerity.
  • The Molten Foundry - a smithy run by the white-skinned demigirl scion tiefling Passion of Tyberg. She is capable of crafting items with very minor enchantments.
  • Shrine to the Vigilant - a Niranist chapel within the walls of the fort itself. It is dedicated to Hadyanos. The priest of the chapel is the male Njaronse dwarf Presbyter Thydor Broadstone.
  • The Watchtower - the watchtower is a tall tower built into the fort itself. Its height allows those there to survey a large majority of Yurakolio. In its perch are large spyglasses, as well as both physical (a lighthouse) and magical (sending stones) methods of communication with Kyanos, Port Euphoria, Kesatolia, and the Four Forts, so message of an invading force can quickly reach elsewhere in Arduli.


The construction of Fort Temerity was one of the first commands by the newly-crowned Shah Kallista II in 1317 MT, during the Aquamarine War. The area had been the site of the Battle of Tousal a year prior, where marines of the Tavanuan Khaganate had landed and attempted to slip past Kyanos and Fort Casxire into Ardulese territory. They were noticed by the male tiefling Temerity Keralios, who spotted the Tavanuan force landing from the mountain, notified Ardulese command, and led the charge against the invaders. He died in the conflict, and the to-be constructed fort was named after him.   The fort’s construction was finished in 1321 MT, and command of it was given to the female Firbolg commander Taxiarch Lighstar. A little over a year later, the Aquamarine War ended. The region that Fort Temerity occupied was consolidated into the new Exarchate of Yurakolio, and the newly-established House of Nyphedis was given rulership of it. Exarch Nayax Nyphedis, a war hero of the Aquamarine War, was placed in charge. Rumours say that the House of Nyphedis was given control over Yurakolio instead of a different territory was because of prejudice towards them being dragonborn, despite the fact that they were Bithedian and not Tavanuan.   Fort Temerity was a decently popular destination for those looking to travel through Qamenkas for a while, but this quickly decreased once Port Euphoria was established. As a result of Port Euphoria’s ease of access from the sea, Fort Temerity, and Yurakolio as a whole, became impoverished.   In 1358 MT, Exarch Nayax Nyphedis passed away. His middle daughter inherited his position, becoming Exarch Aramyse Nyphedis. She has been trying to do all she can to bring more prosperity to the region.
Founding Date
1317 MT
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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