Port Euphoria

Port Euphoria is a port town in Qamenkas under the control of the Arduli Dynasty. It was originally founded for the purpose of shipping supplies in to soldiers and adventurers through Qamenkas, and shipping artifacts and other finds from the desert’s ruins out. The port is named after Shah Euphoria I, who ordered its construction. Port Euphoira is a young town, but is quickly growing to become one of the most populated and prosperous towns in Qamenkas. The burgeoning rate of its growth is difficult for the port to keep up with, leading to a skyline of many half-finished buildings.  

Government and Defences

Port Euphoria is a satrapy of the Arduli Dynasty, currently under the leadership of the female Salamander Satrap Rashaani, who was transported to Qamenkas by a Circle connected to the Elemental Plane of Fire.   Because of its position and role in the harsh land of Qamenkas, Port Euphoria had a sizable defence force. The port is in command of around eight allagia of the Dicarian Legions and is the base of around 28 ships of the Dromiary Legion, not including the Asteramlioi stationed there.  


Though originally set up for the purposes of getting supplies in and relics out, Port Euphoria has grown into a massive trade center. The town is one of the primary export and exchange areas for artifacts recovered in the ruins of Qamenkas, magical or otherwise.   As a result of this, the town has become a hub for crime. Smuggling, trafficking, theft, and fencing are incredibly commonplace in Port Euphoria, no matter how hard the authorities try to stamp down on it. The Old Blood Syndicate is especially active in the town. The Yeojin Families barely have a presence in Port Euphoria, mostly because the organization does its business through its own holdings in the Baokish Territories.  


Port Euphoria is located in northeastern Qamenkas on the coast of the Coravian Sea. The city is currently in the middle of constructing the Akhenith Wall, but other buildings have already been erected outside of its encompassing area.


There are three districts in Port Euphoria: Sunrise Wharf, Akhenith Ward, and the Sands.  

Sunrise Wharf

Sunrise Wharf is the dockyard area of Port Euphoria. It is the oldest area of the town, along with what is now the Akhenith Ward. Most of the buildings in Sunrise Wharf are dedicated to inns, markets, and warehouses for sailors and travellers. Landmarks in Sunrise Wharf include:
  • Keenstone’s - a tavern and inn run by a young enby Moonstone Dragon named Eirlhamciym, whose egg was found in the ruins of Qamenkas and hatched in Port Euphoria. They were raised by the male Qamenkasian Rathin Half-Elf explorer who started the tavern, Tanguy Keenstone, who also sadly passed away from old age a few years back. They are attended by a variety of constructs that their adopted father found, as well as a Pixie named Cypress who visited them from the Feywild.
  • Barterer’s Square - the marketplace of Port Euphoria. It has never been set up as an official market, but the courtyard it is in was used by sailors and adventurers to sell and barter their wares - hence its name.

Akhenith Ward

Akhenith Ward is the district of Port Euphoria that is protected by the unfinished Akhenith Wall. Because of the expansion of the Sands, most of the housing and stores here have become more expensive. The Akhenith Ward also contains most of the temples in Port Euphoria. Landmarks in Akhenith Ward include:
  • The Citadel of Rashaani - while originally named the Citadel of Akraimaan, the fortress was completed under the rule of Satrap Rashaani, and she named it after herself. The citadel is designed to hold most of the population of Port Euphoria in the case of an attack. In addition, it houses the satrap of Port Euphoria.
  • The Felicitous House of Worship- a Rohanuali matiro, despite most of Arduli and QamenkasShamashite population being Hakiveiran. Similar to many Rohanuali matiros, the location also doubles as a temple to various other deities. Deities that have idols placed in them include Viswamitra and Melora. The current Khaznarro of the Felicitous House of Worship is the female Bhuka goblin Mago.
  • Sanctum of the Wanderer - the primary Niranist church in Port Euphoria. It is dedicated to Elivhkan, a popular Minor Pantheon deity in Qamenkas. It is overseen by the male tiefling Presbyter Journey Tiseas, but the Court of Niran has been looking at possibly making him an archmandrite in order to properly attend to the growing population of Port Euphoria.

The Sands

The Sands is the lower-class district of Port Euphoria. It has no official borders, instead referring to the borough outside of the Akhenith Wall. It gets its name from the desert dunes of Qamenkas. The Sands contains many residences, inns, and shops, though the region is poorer than the other areas of the city. Most of the criminal activity within Port Euphoria takes place within the sands.


The construction of Port Euphoria was ordered by Shah Euphoria I, whom it is named after. The decision to build the settlement came as part of Arduli's initiative to expand their political influence into Qamenkas, as well as to make the import of supplies and export of relics within Qamenkas easier.   The port was established in 1343 MT. The first satrap of Port Euphoria was the male Djinn Akraimaan, whom Shah Euphoria had worked closely with. However, Akraimaan vanished mysteriously in 1349 MT, and the position of satrap was passed to the female Salamander Satrap Rashaani, who still holds the office today.
Founding Date
1343 MT
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by BisBiswas
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