2024/07/31: Avenging Anastasia Cleanup Report

General Summary

Terana, Knight, Kal'vus, Buzz, Zaran, Sith   We rejoined our heroes in the secret library in Castle Lichtenstein, trying to figure out how to lift the curse on Anastasia.   There was some discussion of how to "reverse" the ritual. Turn it back on its caster? Do the steps in reverse? Buzz decided to relay the details of the ritual to the transmutation demon lord Hoen for advice. Hoen said both options were possible, and he could set up a ritual for whichever the party needed. Reading the ritual started to make Buzz turn evil, so the party deployed a whole pile of anti-evilness spells and effects on him. (Zaran's empowered Dispel Evil disintegrated several books in the back of the library.)   While waiting for the ritual info, the party found a secret door leading to a passage going almost straight down into darkness. A lit match dropped down the hole bounced a long way and then vanished with a hiss, perhaps landing in water. The whole section resisted divination: According to Commune With Nature, it was solid rock.   The party decided that wasn't their problem (not immediately, at least) and put their time to use figuring out loot distribution. The only ominous thing that happened in the meantime was that some of the bodies that were laying around moved when no one was watching. Some were moving toward book stacks as if they were just going about their business.   The party decided that this was their problem, and set about dragging the bodies to the pyre Buzz was already setting up for the books in the room. Sith showed up out of nowhere in the midst of this. Kal'vus called for him to grab a body and get in on the pile, there's no time to explain.   Last rites, dispel evils, and a consecration ritual had little effect. The party mostly gave up on the effort and finished splitting up loot.   Eventually Hoen sent the group the details of a countercurse ritual. They set about collecting the items they'd need from throughout the castle. Lots of sentimental items, pieces of the guy who laid the curse, etc. Buzz found a way to work the artifact rapier into it.   Buzz and Knight players: "Over here, Mr. Cursey!"
"Oh no, he's named it, now he'll never let it go."
"Yeah, but that's because my arm is petrifying and I can't put it down. Fuck you, Mr. Cursey."   By the time the group reconvened, Knight had gone up to a total of six regret/nightmare birds resting peacefully on his head and shoulders. It was very cozy. Apparently going through horribly cursed areas encouraged more birds to find him.   While Terana went to retrieve the extra mages the party would need for the ritual, Kal'vus took Sith and Zaran to talk to the villager kid who kept successfully finding things earlier. The kid said he didn't know what abilities he actually has, but he runs into trouble a lot. He's very deadpan and dead-eyed.   The kid seems to be touched by fate. He only has minor talent as a wizard(?) or bard, but there's definitely plenty of magical stuff going on around him. Zaran decided to kidnap him and take him somewhere safer. (His only connection to the area is his uncle, who mostly views him as another mouth to feed.)   The great ritual and its dozen casters was finally launched (with the help of some luck). The ritual became a beacon of light. Anastasia appeared and finally began to appear at peace. And then the castle and the earth beneath it began to crack and crumble. The little girl said "thank you". Terana Blessed her, Knight bowed, Zaran and Buzz waved (Zaran like Forrest Gump to Lieutenant Dan), and Kal'vus tore up the quest note she'd left as a sign of "mission complete".   With the ground tilted at 15 degrees and the castle slowly crumbling, the little girl finally faded, crying and smiling. The party took that as their cue to go.   (Naturally, they set the library on fire on their way out after coating the cursed rapier in lead and disposing of it down the underground hole.)   While they were still in the area, the group opted to search the nightmare forest that Knight had found. Four of the regret birds flew off excitedly over the suicide cliff immediately after the group entered. Searching the area, Terana found nigh-invisible tracks of an armored man and a happy little girl leading into the woods. A flash of black lightning illuminated a big black castle deep in the forest.   The adventurers begrudgingly investigated. Beyond the blown-open doors of the castle (which appeared to have been barred from the outside) were what seemed to be the entirety of Anastasia's bloodline, with Anastasia herself bouncing happily on her father's knee on the throne at the head of a great hall.   After brief deliberation, the party chose to introduce themselves. The father thanked them for what they'd done and explained that the vampires who had been holding the castle had been in league with the party's own archenemy: Necrosa. They had support that could have come from nowhere else. In thanks and in hopes of damaging their mutual enemies, Anastasia's father offered what aid his family could still provide.   To help, though, the party would need to get at least one of the family members out of there. Knight's dream powers would be most required here, though further discussion suggested they would not be enough alone.   Some small talk occurred while Zaran prepared what he'd need to properly bring Anastasia along to help. Anastasia's mother joined the conversation. Points of interest:
  • The family bloodline involved demon lords, at least supposedly.
  • Some of the most powerful people in the cosmos were scared of this guy's bloodline.
  • The father is Gerard Blaustrong, making his daughter Anastasia Blaustrong.
  • The Luvian bloodline.

  • Zaran True Resurrected the little girl. After she said her tearful goodbyes to her family, Knight pulled her out of the dream with him. It all worked very smoothly.   The group made their way down to retrieve the cursed artifact, now that they had someone who could possibly safely wield it. When Anastasia grabbed it, its powers ignored her and focused on the lead encasing the blade, corroding it. She and those around her were totally fine. She had a bit of trouble holding the thing with her little girl strength, but a strength boost from Zaran served as a perfect temporary fix.   With their mission complete, the party headed back to the farm to rest up. It had been a long night. By the time the resting was done, it was late in the day on the 28th of December. The concert was only three days away.

    Rewards Granted

    Ominous Gauntlets: +5 protection, count as plate armor (no casting). Generates slight fear aura (no save DC, can't be turned off) and grants immunity to specific spells: bestow curse, greater bestow curse, hex, evil eye, cause wounds (all plus harm), chill touch and enervation   Blade of Khas-har: +5 Bastard sword that banishes summoned monsters on hit   Amulet of Protection: +3 AC, Windwalk x1 per day (self and up to 2 people)   Bannerman's Coat of Arms: +2 to hit and damage all creatures of same type/race as wearer/wielder, Used as a tabard=50' range, used as a banner on a pole of at least 10' tall and the bonus is all creatures in Line of Sight   Black Fang of Blaustrong: greatsword +5, +4 to Strength, Blackmantel on hit (hour duration), Wounding on hit (1 damage per round-stops at 1hp)   Claws of Freinvettir: pair of +5 catclaws 1d6 base damage, Rending (+4d6), Polymorph wielder into sheep at will, prot detection/location, +20% climb walls. Chaotic aura indicates it may have other hidden abilities   Iyorhan's Hammers: Pair of Warhammers that when wielded togeather are +6, 1d8 damage, Thundering (+2d6 sonic), Stunning (+1d6 lightning), Sunders magic weapons/armor on crits   Delcyt's Chain: Spiked Chain +5, 2d6 Blunt,slashing/piercing damage, +4 to called shots 15' reach, binding on command   Griswald's Piercing Blade: +5 Rapier that hits as a touch attack   Buckler of Missile Resistance: +5 AC, 20% of missiles blocked (normal and magical missiles/ targeted non AOE spells)   Black blade of Auld Keth: katana-shaped force construct that deals 4d10+20 piercing/slashing/force damage   Warleader's Cleaver of Carnage: +5 cleaver, 1d10 base slashing damage, +2 to hit and damage for all friendlies in 50'   x5 Black Hardened Leather Bracers/greaves: +5AC 2 DR (works in antimagic due to ? leather)   Tough guy's Black Leather Jacket: hide armor (Base AC 3), 1/2 damage from slashing, +4 to intimidate checks   Girdle of Keys: +4 AC, holding for up to 6 mounts, Mounts are summonable by taking the keys/reins off the girdle (currently holding 1 HOG motorcycle)   Blackened Skull Wallet: Causes pain/shock/stun on touch to any not bonded to it. Bonding requires 1 hour of contact. Minor holding, +2 to intimidate checks   Crossed Swords necklace + amulet (takes both slots): wearer effected by emotion HOPE (+2 to hit, damage, and saves)   Silver Fanged Skull Ring: Vampiric Touch on weapon strike 3x/day adds 6d6 damage and wearer heals/gains that many HP   Skull ring: Delay Death (fight to -20 HP), 1/2 from cold and darkness   Steel Warrior's Ring: 3DR, +3 AC, +2 to save   Black and silver crossed swords ring: +2 to hit, +4 AC, +2 to save   Bandana of Blades: 5 DR vs slashing, +1 to hit, +2 to damage. Uses head or necklace slot   Glaufeinliefer: Mithril chain shirt that grants 14 True AC, counts as clothes   Studded fingerless black leather gloves: Gripping (ignore disarm and drop item effects, Climbing (+50%Climb Walls), striking (+4d6 unarmed damage)   Little girl with a horrifying sword   Little boy who's touched by fate     2 xp

    Missions/Quests Completed

  • lift the curse on Anastasia
  • figure out where the regret birds were leading
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Azhar, Elias DelGarrod, Hoen, Anastasia, unnamed little boy, Gerard Blaustrong


    The party didn't go to investigate the adventurers the goddess pointed Terana to last session. Too busy with immediate issues. The DM implied after the session that the adventurers had been in a challenging situation of some sort and could have used some help, but he's sure they made it out fine on their own. Probably.
    Renedge Campaign
    Buzz Gizmo
    Terana DelGarrod
    Knight of Darkhome
    Report Date
    31 Jul 2024
    Primary Location


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