2024/08/07: Rescuing Adventurers Report

General Summary

Terana, Sith, Zaran, Kal'vus, Buzz   Terana went off to scout alone, heavily stealthed up to flex her ranger a bit as there were woods in the area and no sign of the adventurers, while Humphery and Buzz did what they could with divination for more info from the farmhouse. Meanwhile Sith, Zaran, Anastasia and Kal'vus took a gear run to Radaghast and Herb's. The gear run had Kal'vus selling off a lot of gear (no more dressing like a clown for him!) and then comically picking up a fuzzy dark purple wizard robe (It is totally a extra fluffy/comfy bathrobe) due to it having amazing stats. Sith and Zaran picked through things, Sith found a really nice amulet (Xerethar's Black Amulet) and Kal'vus actually bought out all the cursed items in the shop (there were only 7 items) when Anastasia revealed that cursed equipment would be ideal for her.   Azhar stayed at the farm house to help out with intel gathering and motivating Terana's geek squad while our heroes headed out to find the endangered adventuring party.   Teleporting in, Terana hid the party and revealed the whole area was riddled with Goblin Ranger special forces. Taking care to go stealth (and invisible where possible) the party followed Terana as with the info provided by Buzz and Humphery they determined that they were looking for a region that was blocking magic somewhere to the north of current, and probably underground. Crossing the area, avoiding goblin rangers the party made its way along until they ran across a helpful bluejay that pointed them the right way. They then encountered a path that had been 'pass without trace'ed' revealing that the adventurers had likely passed this way. Following the lack of path at a measly -20 to tracking Terana homed in on the adventurers, leading to a creek bed. The Creek had a submerged and muddy narrow entrance that the party struggled into still following the total lack of tracks.   Struggling and swimming through with some assistance from a reduce spell the party flopped into a dungeon that was an old dwarven mine. Finding a submerged secret door leading to a deep vertical mineshaft the party considered going down there only for Terana to find the adventurers' tracks leading a different direction. After avoiding a lethal trap and passing through the remains of several already completed combat encounters the party found a trick elevator which they struggled to figure out. After some hints from the local genus loci and some action-by-action reconstructive tracking by Terana to figure out how the last guys did it they managed to slap Kal'vus upside the head and activate the ward against violence on the elevator, lowering it to the bottom floor. Once there they explored through a massive forgeworks into a meeting room where the adventurers slept, unable to wake, apparently affected by some sleeping curse. The party figured out that this mine was where a large mysterious magical gem had been found, and the adventurers had returned the gem here somehow only to re-enact the fall of the dwarven miners.   After some debate and finding out that the cursed Arkenstone Expy was trying to Artifact-possess the party while magically interfering with their escape, Anastasia was consulted. Only they had to move Terana to the next room to get any info from Anastasia as her sudden bout with Lycathropy (from one of those cursed items) had her high as a kite (instead of Berserk) whenever in the presence of Lumenceil. Once she got ahold of her senses she helped remove the gem from the party and they hid it in an empty room down a hallway before rescuing the adventurers and teleporting back to the farmhouse.   Other minor notes being that Sith took everyone shopping, he also detected the magical gem, and its aura of 'might not be a good idea to teleport' around it. Zaran kept botching luck checks to find gear (it's nothing but dragonslaying gear!) and The Bluejay was totally one of the adventurers all along, he was also a schizophrenic druid that thought he was a bird hard enough it counted for Terana's beastmaster ability.   The party rescued consisted of:
  • The Human Knight Colfas
  • Niro the 1/2 elf flame Wizard
  • Glangfang the beastman Shaman
  • Rust the elven Rogue/Ranger
  • Barglefar the Bluejay/Schizophrenic Beastman Druid
  • Rewards Granted

  • dark purple wizard (bath)robe
  • Xerethar's Black Amulet: +4 to hit/AC, accuracy on spells, can make 3 attacks automiss in line of sight per day
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Anastasia, Azhar, Colfas, Niro, Glangfang, Rust, Barglefar
    Renedge Campaign
    Buzz Gizmo
    Terana DelGarrod
    Report Date
    07 Aug 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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