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Returning to Halaster's Dungeon Report

General Summary

25 Hurog 527: Hergatz & heroes having finished their undersea adventure to STOP Benjamin Lawrence FROM DESTROYING CREATION, make a few preparations and return to Halaster's Dungeon. They converge upon Hole-in-the Floor Tavern, notice Tucker is still watching them, and descend to the dungeon.

Level 1: The heroes cleverly solve the Six Statues riddle and proceed to level 2.

Level 2: The heroes notice the area where the goblins were building a baazar has been "cleared." Amongst the looted bodies of goblins, graffitti proclaims, "DEMON HUNTERS RULE!!!" Further along level 2, the heroes encounter bandits, who surrender after a brief scuffle. The surviving bandits are disarmed and relieved of all valuables and made to pledge they will not take up arms against the heroes in the future.

Level 3: The area populated by Drow has more pit traps and unseen Drow snipers shoot at the Heroes as they work to transverse the pits. Further along, they again encounter the Hobgoblins of Azok’s Legion. They present their passes and descend to level 4.

Level 4: The heroes see more evidence of the work of other adventurers. The mad alchemist is gone, and his laboratory is thoroughly vandalized. The beer loving Ettin is now a foul smelling corpse. The fungal forest shows signs of wanton hacking and slashing and someone attempting to burn the forest down. The sick kuo-toa are all burned and hacked corpses. The Heroes, saddened by the lack of loot, proceed onwards, and are mildly surprised by transversing the area once occupied by the mind-lamprey without incident. Continuing with a water-walk spell they follow the Sarguath river downstream to level 5.

Level 5: The Heroes are aware the dreaded pixies are watching them, but wisely decide not to fireball the forest to eliminate the potential threat. Since the nature of their quest is the rescue of Susan Smith™, the heroes elect for speed over courtesy and bypass visiting Wyllow and proceed through the caverns to ogre island. At ogre island the heroes find a troop of fire newts and parlay passage through the area without further incident.

Glasya Cultist's Hold. The Heroes overwhelm the locks on the entry door. Inside the entry vestibule, an invisible Imp mocks the heroes. Invisibility is no match for Rilitar Scintillia’s Divine Sense, who grabs the imp. With an assist from J'aboc Dilvacko, the stinging, biting imp’s handprint opens the arcanely sealed doors.
The heroes spread out through the several open doors and encountered skeleton archers, a ballista construct, a large bone monster, and the uber-dangerous Murder Rug. Grievous wounds were taken and given, but the heroes prevailed and thoroughly looted the chest they found.

The next obstacle was a large sturdy 10-foot-wide door which was counter-balanced by another nearly identical sturdy 10-foot-wide door at the end of a forty foot corridor. These doors ascended /descended from above, an action caused by a large lever protruding from the floor in front of the doors. A great sheet of flame prevented the heroes from rushing forward until the cycle of opening/ closing was completed. Inside the corridor behind the first door was an arcane rune patterned on the floor and another lever in front of the doors at the end of the corridor. After the heroes entered the corridor, they were attacked by an invisible air elemental who they defeated before pulling the next lever. The cycle of levers, doors, runes, and attacking elementals repeated six times before the Heroes found a secret exit from the repeating corridor trap.

After winding through some short corridors, the heroes found themselves in a prison-like area where they encountered prisoners, Borin Cleves, Alys Bladewalker, and Anis. In this space the heroes fought Nupperibos, Spined Devils, and White Abishai. The heroes also pulled the levers needed to release the door locks, found the fountain was filled with very strong acid, and a WHEEL of BOONS & BANES. Several heroes placed coins in the WHEEL of BOONS & BANES and received a reward or penalty according to pure chance. The heroes left a great pile of coins, but did take the Lyre of Daghán Ó Dubhuir, and the greatsword Skarpur.

Proceeding to the next area of the Hold, the heroes encountered Ammilia Cassalanter, a chorus of cultists, and multiple bandits. Multiple fireballs, wisely held in reserve until now, cleared out the bandits but Ammilia was protected by some kind of magical shield. Grasshopper sprinted across the room to open a door on the north wall, where a pack of berserkers emerged. The great pentagram on the floor turned into a pulsing portal of arcane energy. A moment later Susan Smith™ with an infernal cambion named Sar Chasm entered the room. Ammalia told Susan, “Escape if you can, dearest, your tormentors have returned. Flee through the portal.” There is a scuffle, and Susan Smith™ manages to enter the portal and disappear. As Ammalia laughs, the party makes remarks about Ammalia’s perceived personality flaws and dives into the pulsing portal before it closes.

While inside the portal, which is doesn’t possess either time or space, the Heroes hear the voice of Halaster, “In this dungeon, Halaster decides where and if magical transport works! Viewers, vote now to determine the destination, shall we send these fools onto the Slitherswamp where Ammilia intended? Or shall we give them a new challenge?”

The heroes found themselves in the underground town of Skullport. Entering the old slave market, they purchased several slaves from the Duergar trader Bhaltar. J’aboc, Clive, Bolide, All the Light Touches, and Gyrah put forward coins to purchase five slaves, Baggywinkle, Fallthra, Meili, Rubbish, and Junk. The heroes then purchase lunch at the Flagon & the Dragon tavern, and book rooms for the night at the Guts & Garters. J’aboc samples the local ale, Wyrmwizz which is as bad as it sounds. While the heroes attempt to avoid any interactions with the locals, in the morning, they are met by Ahmaergo a Dwarf who charges them a 2gp tourist tax for everyone in the party (including Susan and the five slaves.) Ahmaergo provides information on how to return to Detroit.

Using Ahmaergo’s tip, the party proceeds to The Poisoned Quill to meet Tas Velldarn and purchase magical transportation from Skullport to Detroit. Tas charges 50 gp per person.

The heroes plus dependents arrive in an orphanage located in the South Docks. The headmistress, Varia, hustles everyone out of the building, not wanting to disrupt the children’s morning activities. The heroes part ways with Baggywinkle, Fallthra, and Meili, providing them with some funds. Rubbish and Junk are taken to the temple of Yra and after making a donation for their care, leave them with the temple. Susan Smith™ is escorted to the Grand Temple of Law in Broadway Avenue. Runners are dispatched to summon Susan’s parents who are located and brought to the temple. After applause and congratulations the Heroes then return to their everyday lives having completed the quest to Rescue Susan Smith™.

Rewards Granted

Lyre of Daghán Ó Dubhuir
the greatsword Skarpur

Missions/Quests Completed

Rescue Susan Smith from the Cult of Glasya and return her to her family.
RoD Campaign
Ryker Durune
Lawful Good Hill Dwarf (Acolyte)
Cleric 1
13 / 13 HP
Rilitar Scintillia
Ferzith Cortellion
Neutral Good Human ()
Bard 1
10 / 10 HP
Report Date
18 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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