Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross

Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross, the 19-year-old son of Queen Alvina Draewynn, occupies a unique and complex position within the Royal Court of Varanthia. Unlike his siblings who bear the Draewynn name, Xanzir was given the last name "Cross," a title traditionally reserved for royal or noble children who are not fully claimed by their house. This distinction has marked Xanzir's life, casting a shadow of doubt over his true parentage. Though officially recognized as one of the royalty, rumors persist that he might not be the biological son of King Xaverius Draewynn, but rather a child born out of Queen Alvina’s earlier union with Fulbert Kymberly, before his untimely death.   Despite this cloud of speculation, Xanzir has carved out a role for himself within the royal family, earning a reputation for his quiet strength and humility. Unlike many of his siblings, Xanzir does not seek the spotlight. He is content to let others take credit for his accomplishments if it serves the greater good of the family and the kingdom. This selflessness, however, has often led to his feats going unnoticed, especially in comparison to his more assertive siblings. Nevertheless, Xanzir is a skilled warrior, nearly as proficient as his sister, Princess Xephyr Draewynn, whom he idolizes. He admires her strength and resilience, striving to emulate her in every way, though he lacks her inclination to demand recognition.   Xanzir’s relationship with his mother, Queen Alvina, is fraught with tension. Alvina, who is known for her harsh and emotionally distant demeanor, has always been critical of her children, and Xanzir is no exception. She sees him as a reminder of her past life and the husband she once loved, a man whose death was orchestrated by King Xaverius. This complex emotional baggage has led Alvina to be particularly hard on Xanzir, never fully accepting him as a true Draewynn, yet demanding that he live up to the family’s high expectations.   Within the family, Xanzir is often overshadowed by his younger brother, Prince Xerald Draewynn, who is a more dominant and aggressive figure. Xerald, despite being younger, is recognized as the eldest son because he was born within the union of King Xaverius and Queen Alvina. This distinction has fueled Xerald’s volatile behavior, as he exerts control over his siblings through intimidation and physical discipline. Xanzir, who bears the brunt of Xerald’s abuse, has learned to endure his brother’s outbursts with stoic resilience, refusing to retaliate or show weakness. This dynamic has only deepened Xanzir’s resolve to protect his family, even if it means suffering in silence.   Despite these challenges, Xanzir has earned the respect of those who see past the royal court’s intrigue. He is a capable leader and a loyal brother, willing to sacrifice his own glory for the sake of the family. His relationship with Princess Xephyr is particularly close, as she recognizes and appreciates his quiet strength. Xanzir often seeks her counsel and guidance, and in return, Xephyr values his loyalty and the support he provides.   Xanzir’s modesty and dedication to his family have also earned him the admiration of his peers, though many are unaware of the full extent of his contributions. In battle, he fights with precision and skill, always mindful of the bigger picture and the welfare of his comrades. Though his feats often go unrecognized, Xanzir remains unwavering in his commitment to his duties, believing that true strength lies not in recognition but in the impact one makes on the lives of others.   As Xanzir continues to navigate the complexities of his royal lineage and the ever-present uncertainties surrounding his parentage, he remains focused on his role within the Draewynn family. Though he may never bear the Draewynn name, his actions and character have solidified his place within the royal court, making him a respected and valued member of the family, even if his contributions are often unspoken and unseen.


Princess Xyavrin Draewynn

Youngest-Sister (Vital)

Towards Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross



Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross

Eldest-Bother (Important)

Towards Princess Xyavrin Draewynn



Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross

Sister (Vital)

Towards Princess Xenia Draewynn



Princess Xenia Draewynn

Eldest-Bother (Trivial)

Towards Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross



Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross

Younger-Brother (Important)

Towards Prince Xerald Draewynn



Prince Xerald Draewynn

Younger-Sister (Vital)

Towards Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross



Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
7th of Ibber
Year of Birth
15731 19 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Princess Xyavrin Draewynn (Youngest-Sister)
Princess Xenia Draewynn (Eldest-Bother)
Prince Xerald Draewynn (Younger-Sister)
Aligned Organization


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