Queen Alvina Draewynn

Queen Alvina Draewynn, once known as Lady Alvina of House Kymberly, was born into a noble family steeped in the values of loyalty, service, and devotion to both the crown and the teachings of Hawk, the deity of peacekeeping and unity within the Nine Talons Pantheon. From an early age, Alvina absorbed these values, which would shape her into the fierce and determined woman she would become. Her journey into adulthood, however, was far from the typical path expected of a noblewoman. At the age of 15, driven by an intense desire to protect her people and uphold the ideals of Hawk, she joined the Abyss Wars—a brutal conflict that would indelibly mark her life.   The Abyss Wars were a harrowing test of endurance and faith, and Alvina quickly emerged as a formidable warrior. Clad in shining armor and wielding her spear and shield with deadly precision, she fought alongside 200 other young warriors from her town’s church. The battles were relentless, filled with horrors that defied imagination, but Alvina’s faith in Hawk and her unyielding resolve saw her through. By the war’s end, only 30 of the original 200 survived, their once-bright armor now bleached black by the blood and darkness they had faced. These survivors became known as the Night Order, a group of battle-hardened warriors whose reputation for ferocity and near-immortality spread throughout the land. Alvina’s scarred face, with a prominent mark running from one ear across her nose to the other, became a symbol of her resilience and the brutal reality of war.   Upon her return at the age of 18, Alvina was hailed as a war heroine, her name whispered with both admiration and fear. Her connection to Hawk was seen as nearly divine, and some even rumored that she had been touched by the deity herself, granting her the strength to survive when so many others had perished. Emboldened by her experiences and the respect she commanded, Alvina demanded the hand of Fulbert Kymberly, a nobleman she had long admired. Fulbert, captivated by her bravery and beauty, agreed, and they were married in a grand ceremony that celebrated both their union and Alvina’s heroic return.   For years, Alvina lived a life that seemed to blend the roles of warrior and wife seamlessly. She was a devoted partner to Fulbert, though her heart always yearned for the thrill of battle and the ideals of Hawk. Her reputation as a fierce warrior and devout follower of Hawk grew, and she remained deeply involved in the service of her deity. However, her life took an unexpected turn at the age of 43, when she first laid eyes on King Xaverius Draewynn during a grand ball in the capital. The King, then 30 years old, was immediately captivated by her presence. Alvina, with her short green hair, piercing yellow eyes, and commanding aura, stood out among the crowd, and the connection between them was undeniable.   Despite her marital status, Alvina found herself irresistibly drawn to the King. Xaverius admired her strength, her unwavering devotion to Hawk, and her commitment to the ideals of peace and unity. Over the next several years, he orchestrated events that would bring them closer together, all while plotting to remove Fulbert from the picture. Unbeknownst to her husband, who was sent on increasingly dangerous missions, Xaverius and Alvina carried on a passionate affair. For three years, Alvina remained almost entirely in Xaverius’s chambers, consumed by her desire for him. Her previous life, her husband, and her sense of duty faded into the background as she became utterly absorbed in her love for the King.   Fulbert, sent on a final mission from which he would not return, died on foreign shores, far from home, while his wife had already become Queen Alvina Draewynn. Alvina married Xaverius in a secret ceremony, and their love became public, though it was met with mixed reactions. While the King was deeply in love with her, Alvina had long since abandoned any sense of guilt or remorse. She was entirely devoted to Xaverius, and the love they shared became the driving force in her life. Alvina bore the King more children than any of his other queens, solidifying her position as one of his most important consorts. However, her role as a mother was fraught with emotional distance and a critical nature that left her children feeling resentful and unloved.   Alvina was the type of mother who would blame her children for any mistake they made, never hesitating to point out their flaws. She was quick to criticize and slow to compliment, rarely acknowledging their achievements unless it served her own purposes. Her children grew up under the shadow of her high expectations and harsh judgments, feeling the sting of her disappointment more often than the warmth of her approval. Alvina, consumed by her devotion to the King and her role as his consort, had little time or patience for her offspring, and their resentment towards her only deepened with time.   Alvina’s public persona remained one of grace and poise, but behind closed doors, she was utterly devoted to Xaverius. Her life revolved around him, and she used her charisma, influence, and sexual allure to maintain her position as his most favored consort. Alvina’s loyalty to the King was absolute, and she continued to fight against the influence of Queen Sabina, whom she despised for her manipulative and controlling nature. Alvina saw Sabina for what she truly was—a groomer who had twisted the King from a young age. She had tried to keep Sabina away from the King, to protect him from her influence, but she had failed. Now, her only recourse was to stay close to him, to be the voice of reason and love in his life, even as she used her own brand of charm and seduction to keep the King’s attention.   Now 60 years old, Alvina’s once vibrant spirit is entirely focused on the King. She still loves Xaverius deeply, but that love has become something darker, more possessive. Her iconic cape, made from the feathers of a Varanthian Wyvern, serves as a constant reminder of her connection to the King and the sacrifices she has made to be with him. Her scar, a remnant of a past conflict, runs from one ear across her nose to the other, a physical manifestation of the passion and intensity of the life she has chosen. Despite everything, Alvina remains a force in the court, her presence commanding respect and fear in equal measure. She continues to fight against Sabina's influence, using her own brand of charm and seduction to keep the King’s attention. Her life is now entirely devoted to Xaverius, and she has no regrets about the path she has chosen. Alvina has become the King’s most loyal and passionate consort, and her love for him is the driving force in her life, even as it has cost her everything else.


King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Alvina Draewynn



Queen Alvina Draewynn

Queen Consort (Vital)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Alvina, a war heroine from the Abyss Wars, caught Xaverius's attention with her unwavering strength and devotion to Hawk. Their relationship began with a passionate affair that led to her becoming his queen. Alvina’s love for Xaverius is intense and possessive, with her loyalty never wavering despite the complexities of their court life. Their marriage is characterized by mutual respect and deep, if somewhat obsessive, affection.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Alvina and Xaverius share a strong sense of duty and an appreciation for strength and loyalty. They are united by their belief in the importance of power, whether it is through military might or political influence. Alvina’s dedication to protecting Xaverius mirrors his desire to maintain control over his kingdom, making them a formidable pair both in court and in battle.

Date of Birth
3rd of Irelate
Year of Birth
15690 60 Years old
Ruled Locations


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