Princess Xenia Draewynn

Princess Xenia Draewynn, at just 16 years old, is a figure both feared and revered within the royal court of Varanthia. Her calm, reserved demeanor, coupled with her deadly skills as a Finger of Raven, has earned her a reputation as a lethal assassin who shows no mercy to those outside her family. However, beneath this cold exterior lies a tragic and complex story that has shaped her into the person she is today.   Xenia was once one half of a pair of inseparable twins, the other half being her sister, Xania. Xania was the bright, outgoing counterpart to Xenia’s more reserved nature, always encouraging and supporting her. The two sisters were bonded deeply, not just by blood but by their shared experiences as Fingers of Raven, the elite assassins who serve the dark deity of murder, war, and assassination. Xania was the light in Xenia’s life, providing a sense of warmth and joy that balanced the grim reality of their duties. However, this light was tragically extinguished during a mission that would change Xenia's life forever.   The mission that claimed Xania’s life was meant to be routine, but it ended in disaster. Xania was killed in a fluke accident by their younger half-brother, Xeric, who was only four years old at the time. According to the harsh laws of the Fingers, a failed mission meant that the mark had to be trained as a Finger by the one who had failed. Xenia, grieving and enraged, was forced to train Xeric, the very child responsible for her sister’s death. This task filled her with a deep resentment, not just toward Xeric but also toward his mother, Queen Aillsa Draewynn, whom Xenia already disliked for her unorthodox rise to power. Xeric’s existence and the circumstances of Xania’s death became a constant source of pain and anger for Xenia, fueling her bitterness and solidifying her hatred for both him and Queen Aillsa.   In a desperate attempt to cope with her loss, Xenia began to adopt her sister’s identity, insisting on being called Xania. She took on her sister’s persona, pretending to be her in an effort to keep her memory alive. This act of denial became a coping mechanism, allowing Xenia to hold onto the part of her life that had been ripped away from her. The royal court, out of fear and perhaps pity, played along with this pretense, recognizing that the young assassin was too dangerous and too grief-stricken to be challenged. The lines between Xenia and Xania began to blur, with Xenia often losing herself in the role she had created. This act of pretending to be her sister served as both a tribute to Xania and a means of keeping her memory alive, even as it deepened Xenia’s inner turmoil.   Xenia's relationship with her mother, Queen Alvina Draewynn, is strained at best. Queen Alvina is a harsh and emotionally distant figure, and her critical nature has left Xenia feeling unloved and unsupported. This lack of maternal warmth has only deepened Xenia’s feelings of isolation and resentment. Despite her obedience to her mother, Xenia harbors a deep-seated anger toward her, blaming her for not being the mother she needed and for the lack of affection that has marked her life. This resentment is compounded by the fact that Queen Alvina has always prioritized her relationship with King Xaverius Draewynn over her children, leaving Xenia to navigate her grief and duties alone.   In contrast, Xenia’s relationship with her father, King Xaverius Draewynn, is one of unwavering loyalty. Despite her cold and detached nature, Xenia respects her father deeply and is completely obedient to him. She carries out her duties as a Finger with ruthless efficiency, ensuring that she never fails in her tasks. Her loyalty to the king is one of the few constants in her life, and she strives to live up to the expectations he has set for her. This loyalty, however, is not without its complexities, as Xenia’s emotional turmoil and unresolved grief often clash with her sense of duty.   Xenia’s role as a Finger of Raven has defined much of her young life. From a very early age, she was trained to be an assassin, learning the ways of death and deception with a focus that bordered on the obsessive. Her dedication to her role is evident in her meticulous execution of missions and her lack of hesitation in taking lives. Xenia’s skill as an assassin is unmatched for someone her age, and her reputation within the court is one of fear and respect. She is a figure of quiet terror, her presence alone enough to unsettle those who encounter her. Despite her age, Xenia has become one of the most feared Fingers of Raven, a title that she holds with a mix of pride and sorrow.   The loss of her sister has left Xenia with a fractured identity, one that she struggles to reconcile with her duties as a Finger. She blames herself for Xania’s death, believing that she failed in her role as both a sister and a protector. This guilt drives her to maintain the pretense of being Xania, even as it slowly eats away at her sense of self. The act of pretending to be her sister allows Xenia to keep Xania’s memory alive, but it also serves as a constant reminder of her failure. This duality has made Xenia a deeply conflicted individual, torn between her desire to honor her sister’s memory and the harsh realities of her role as an assassin.   Xenia’s relationship with her half-brother, Xerald Draewynn, is complicated by her grief and resentment. Xerald, the eldest son of Queen Alvina Draewynn, is a powerful and intimidating figure, much like Kingpin from the Marvel universe. He is overweight but incredibly strong, both physically and in terms of his influence within the court. Xerald has taken on the role of protector for his younger siblings, filling the void left by their emotionally distant mother. However, his methods are harsh, often involving physical intimidation and control. Despite this, Xerald does care for his siblings, often making amends after his outbursts to ensure they do not hate him entirely.   Xenia, however, is not swayed by Xerald’s attempts at reconciliation. She harbors a deep resentment toward him, not only because of his brutal methods but also because she sees him as another reminder of the fractured and dysfunctional nature of their family. Xerald’s dominance and control within the family hierarchy only serve to deepen Xenia’s feelings of isolation and anger. Yet, despite this, Xenia remains obedient to him, recognizing the power he holds within the court. Their relationship is one of mutual distrust and resentment, marked by a fragile truce that could shatter at any moment.   The loss of her sister has also affected Xenia’s view of her role as a Finger. Once dedicated and focused, she now finds herself struggling to find meaning in her work. The death of Xania has cast a shadow over everything she does, making her question the value of the life she leads. The pretense of being her sister has become a burden, one that she carries with her in every mission and every interaction. This has led to a deepening of her emotional turmoil, as Xenia grapples with the conflicting demands of her duties and her grief.   Xenia’s hatred for Xeric, the child responsible for Xania’s death, is profound. She despises him for what he represents—a failure on her part and the loss of the one person who brought light into her life. Forced to train him as a Finger, Xenia has taken on this task with a cold, detached focus, using it as a means to channel her anger and grief. Xeric, for his part, remains unaware of the depth of Xenia’s hatred, seeing her only as a stern and distant mentor. This dynamic has only further complicated Xenia’s already fractured identity, as she struggles to balance her role as his trainer with her desire for revenge.   Despite her emotional turmoil, Xenia remains one of the most skilled and feared Fingers of Raven. Her ability to execute her missions with precision and efficiency has earned her a fearsome reputation, and her cold, calculating nature ensures that she remains a force to be reckoned with. However, beneath this exterior lies a young woman struggling to reconcile her grief with her duties, a struggle that has left her deeply conflicted and emotionally scarred.


Princess Xenia Draewynn


Towards Prince Xerald Draewynn


Prince Xerald Draewynn


Towards Princess Xenia Draewynn


Princess Xania Draewynn

(Dead) Sister

Towards Princess Xenia Draewynn


Princess Xenia Draewynn


Towards Princess Xania Draewynn


Princess Xyavrin Draewynn

Youngest-Sister (Important)

Towards Princess Xenia Draewynn



Princess Xenia Draewynn

Elder-Sister (Trivial)

Towards Princess Xyavrin Draewynn



Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross

Sister (Vital)

Towards Princess Xenia Draewynn



Princess Xenia Draewynn

Eldest-Bother (Trivial)

Towards Prince Xanzir Fulbert Cross



Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
14th of Cyclodiant
Year of Birth
15734 16 Years old
Princess Xania Draewynn ((Dead) Sister)
Princess Xyavrin Draewynn (Youngest-Sister)
Aligned Organization


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