Prince Xavier Draewynn

Xavier Draewyn

In the shadowed halls of Geoneth, where arcane energies pulse through every stone and secrets whisper through the air, Xavier Draewynn was born—not as a child of joy, but as an experiment. The first-born son of Queen Georgette Draewynn and King Xaverius Draewynn, Xavier was crafted with meticulous care, a living embodiment of his mother’s obsession and his father’s legacy. Yet, his birth was not a singular event; it was the culmination of a twisted series of trials, where life and death hung in the balance. Xavier was not the first attempt, nor the last, but he was the only one to survive—a solitary victor among six would-be siblings who perished in the dark recesses of his mother’s ambition.   From the moment he drew breath, Xavier’s existence was shaped by the cold hand of Georgette Draewynn. In her relentless pursuit of perfection, she saw in him not a son, but a vessel—an extension of the king, his very essence manipulated to mirror the king in both form and spirit. But this was no birthright of glory; it was a sentence, a burden of impossible expectations that would shape his every thought, his every action. The cost of this creation was steep, paid in the lives of his unborn siblings who failed to meet her exacting standards. Their deaths were a constant reminder to Xavier of the stakes at play, a haunting specter that fueled his every action. He learned early that survival in the Draewynn household was not a matter of love or care but of sheer will and cunning.   Raised in the eerie brilliance of Geoneth, a city of arcane wonders and whispered nightmares, Xavier’s childhood was one of fear and relentless pressure. Queen Georgette, a woman whose love was as cold as it was consuming, saw her son as a vessel through which she could preserve and protect the only thing she truly cared for: the king. Every lesson, every trial, was designed to mold Xavier into a second Xaverius, but as he grew, so too did the weight of this impossible task. Perfection was not merely expected; it was demanded, and failure meant more than just disappointment—it meant the very real threat of death or something far worse at the hands of his mother.   But Xavier was no ordinary child. Where others might have crumbled under such immense pressure, he adapted, using the very tools meant to control him to carve out a path of survival. He quickly learned that to be his father in every way was a fool’s errand, one that would only end in his destruction. Instead, he embraced his own strengths, turning to the forgotten and forbidden knowledge of Pretech—a relic of the old world, powerful and dangerous. With this, he could offer something unique, something even his father could not claim, and in doing so, he bought himself time—time to grow, to learn, and to survive. Xavier’s relationship with his father, however, was as distant as it was fraught. The king, a man who inspired both fear and respect, viewed his son’s resemblance with an unsettling mixture of disdain and suspicion. There was no warmth in their interactions, no fatherly affection—only the cold calculation of a ruler measuring the worth of a pawn. Yet, Xavier clung to these interactions, however limited they were, studying every gesture, every word of the king, not out of love but out of a desperate need to understand the man whose shadow he was forced to live in. For Xavier, the king was both a model to emulate and a figure to surpass, if only to secure his own place in a court where weakness meant death.   Among his siblings, Xavier learned early that survival required distance and caution. His full siblings, like him, were twisted by their mother’s relentless pursuit of perfection, and while there was an unspoken bond born of shared suffering, Xavier knew better than to trust it. His half-siblings, especially those of Queen Aillsa, were less burdened, their lives free from the shadow of Georgette’s madness. This difference bred jealousy and suspicion, but Xavier was too careful to let such emotions cloud his judgment. He moved through the court with calculated precision, aware that each smile could hide a dagger, and each kind word could be a trap.   The queens of Varanthia, each powerful in their own right, were figures of both interest and caution for Xavier. Sabina, the first queen, was a master manipulator, a woman whose influence over the kingdom was second only to Georgette’s. Alvina, with her warrior’s spirit, was a study in power and loyalty, while Aillsa’s unique bond with the king made her a figure of intrigue. Even Safinnia, the rebellious outsider, commanded Xavier’s attention, her defiance a trait he both envied and respected. In their company, Xavier learned to navigate the treacherous waters of court politics, his every move a calculated step in a dance of survival.   In the end, Xavier’s ambitions were born not of desire for power, but of a desperate need to secure his future. The court of Draewynn was a battlefield, and he a soldier fighting for his very life. His inventions, his knowledge of Pretech, were his weapons, and with them, he sought to carve out a place for himself—a place where he could one day stand not as a shadow, but as a force in his own right. Yet, even as he plotted his ascent, the weight of his lineage pressed upon him, a constant reminder that in Varanthia, power was as much a curse as it was a gift. Xavier knew that to survive in a kingdom where morality was as fluid as the tides, he would have to embrace the darkness within him—a darkness inherited from his mother, a woman whose love had twisted into something monstrous. He would use every tool at his disposal, every ounce of knowledge and cunning, to ensure that he would not be another casualty of Georgette’s ambition. And as he plotted his future, one truth remained clear: to truly be free, he would one day have to confront the very source of his torment—the queen who had made him, shaped him, and ultimately, who would have to be destroyed if he were ever to claim his destiny.


Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn


Towards Prince Xavier Draewynn


Prince Xavier Draewynn

Step-Brother (Trivial)

Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn



Prince Xavier Draewynn


Towards Zeeir Yuhtee


Zeeir Yuhtee


Towards Prince Xavier Draewynn


Princess Xara Draewyn

Sister (Vital)

Towards Prince Xavier Draewynn



Prince Xavier Draewynn


Towards Princess Xara Draewyn


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
10th of Ebber
Year of Birth
15740 10 Years old
Aligned Organization
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