Queen Georgette Draewynn

Queen Georgette Draewynn is a woman of immense arcane power, dark obsession, and a singular devotion to her king. Born over two centuries ago, she is a figure steeped in the deepest mysteries of magic, a master of the most forbidden and terrifying forms of the arcane. Her appearance is wiry and severe, and though she has used magic to maintain her youth, she is not conventionally beautiful. But what she lacks in physical allure, she more than makes up for in her knowledge, power, and unwavering loyalty to King Xaverius Draewynn. Her life has been defined by an obsession that transcends the boundaries of reason, morality, and even time itself.   Georgette’s life as a sorceress began at the Arch College, where she quickly rose through the ranks, mastering forms of magic that others dared not even study. Her birth element of Void marked her as someone destined for greatness, but it also drew her toward the darker aspects of magic—Abomination, Dream/Horror, Null, and Profane. She became fascinated with the limits of arcane power, constantly pushing beyond what was considered safe or ethical. Her mastery over these forbidden magics made her both feared and revered within the college, but it was her scrying abilities that would change the course of her life.   Georgette first became aware of Xaverius when he was twenty years old, still a prince and not yet the king. Through her scrying, she observed him daily, drawn not to his reputation as a flirtatious bachelor but to the intellect and depth she saw beneath his public persona. She was captivated by his intelligence, the way he navigated the complexities of court life, and the glimpses of the man he was when no one else was watching. Her obsession grew with each passing day until she could no longer be content with simply watching him from afar. Georgette was determined to make herself a part of his life, convinced that only she truly understood him.   For years, Georgette remained in the shadows, content to observe and learn everything about the man who would one day be king. But when Xaverius’s life was threatened by an assassin, her obsession drove her to intervene. In an instant, she teleported the assassin into orbit, saving Xaverius’s life. Then, she appeared before him, whisking him away to a secluded grove far from the city and the dangers that lurked there. She revealed herself as his savior, her demeanor one of unsettling affection and concern. Xaverius, however, was not comforted by her sudden appearance. He ordered her execution, but after ten failed attempts—each foiled by her immense magical prowess—he began to reconsider.   Imprisoned for two years, Georgette’s love for Xaverius only deepened. She was willing to endure anything for him, and slowly, her unwavering loyalty and arcane knowledge began to intrigue the king. He started to visit her in her cell, their conversations becoming more frequent and more personal. Georgette confessed everything to him—her years of watching him, her obsession, and her deep, almost unnatural love. Despite her unsettling confession, Xaverius could not help but be drawn to her. Her power was undeniable, and her devotion to him was absolute. On his thirty-eighth birthday, he made the decision to take her as his third wife, a decision that shocked the court and solidified her place by his side.   Georgette’s marriage to Xaverius was not one of conventional passion, but it was a union rooted in her absolute devotion to him. She saw herself as his protector, the one who would keep him safe from all harm, even if it meant delving into the darkest corners of magic. Her children, the byproducts of their union, were not seen as heirs or beloved offspring but as tools—vessels for her experiments. She had no qualms about using them in her magical research, viewing them as necessary sacrifices to ensure the king’s safety. The other queens, particularly Sabina and Alvina, viewed her with a mixture of disdain and fear, recognizing the dangerous combination of her obsessive love and formidable magical abilities.   Georgette’s disdain for the other queens was no secret. She saw them as little more than distractions, worthless in her eyes except for the fact that they could serve as shields for the king, should he ever need them. In her mind, they were expendable, mere pawns in the grand game she was playing. Georgette’s focus was singular: the king. Everything she did, every spell she cast, every experiment she conducted, was for his sake. Her obsession with keeping him safe and alive drove her to ever greater extremes, including her open practice of Timo the Famished’s forbidden magic.   Timo the Famished, the deity of forbidden knowledge and power, became Georgette’s dark patron. She used Timo’s magic to enhance her own, delving into the most dangerous and forbidden aspects of the arcane. She drew power from the Devouring Tome, using its dark energy to fuel her experiments and ensure the king’s safety. Her connection to Timo was open and unapologetic, and though others feared the consequences of such a relationship, Georgette saw it as a necessary means to an end. Her use of Timo’s power made her even more formidable, and her loyalty to the king remained unwavering.   Georgette’s relationship with Xaverius was marked by her intense need to protect him, even at the cost of everything else in her life. Her children, neglected and experimented upon, were mere afterthoughts to her, their well-being sacrificed in her unending quest to protect the man she loved. She was the type of mother who blamed her children for every mistake, who never offered praise, and who saw them as failures if they did not contribute to her mission. Her disdain for them was palpable, and their hatred for her only grew as they realized they would never be anything more than tools in her eyes.   Georgette’s domain, the Arcane City of Geoneth, is a reflection of her power and her obsession with the arcane. The city, built around a series of volcanic craters, is a place of arcane wonders, where the architecture is as much a reflection of magic as it is of stone and mortar. The buildings spiral upwards like coiled serpents, their surfaces shimmering with enchanted runes and symbols that glow with an inner light. The city pulses with arcane energy, a testament to Georgette’s mastery over magic. The Arcane Spire, her residence, is the tallest structure in the city, its pinnacle crowned with a crystal orb that reflects the constellations above. Geoneth is a city of mystery and power, where the lines between the material and the magical are blurred, and where every building tells a story of the arcane.   The Shadowed Grove, located within Geoneth, is another testament to Georgette’s influence. This dark and mysterious forest is known for its connection to the arcane and the unknown. It is a place of ancient power, where the boundary between the mortal world and the realm of spirits is thin. The forest is filled with hidden pathways, ancient ruins, and creatures not of this world, making it a place both feared and revered by the people of Varanthia. It is here that the Grim Assembly, a group loyal to Georgette, conducts its most secretive rituals, calling upon the power of Crow to protect the kingdom and its secrets.   Despite her fearsome reputation and the dark magic she wields, Georgette’s love for Xaverius is undeniable. It is this love that drives her to push the boundaries of magic, to conduct experiments that others would deem unethical or even monstrous. Her children, neglected and experimented upon, are mere afterthoughts to her, their well-being sacrificed in her unending quest to protect the man she loves. Georgette’s obsession has consumed her, leaving her incapable of caring for anything or anyone other than the king.   Now, as a queen, Georgette’s life is consumed by her role as the protector of the king. Her experiments continue, always with the goal of finding new ways to ensure his safety and longevity. She is no longer the wiry, severe woman she once was—she is the most feared and powerful woman in the kingdom, her influence felt in every corner of the court. In the end, Queen Georgette Draewynn is a woman defined by her obsession, her power, and her undying devotion to a man she has loved from afar for decades. She hates the other queens, sees her children as tools, and has sacrificed everything for the king. Her life is a testament to the dangers of unchecked ambition and the dark paths that love can lead one down. She is the queen who will stop at nothing to protect her king, the mage who commands the darkest of magics, and the woman who, despite her severe appearance, has captured the heart of the most powerful man in the kingdom.


King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Georgette Draewynn



Queen Georgette Draewynn

Queen Consort (Vital)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Georgette’s obsession with Xaverius began long before they met, as she spied on him for years using her magical abilities. After saving him from an assassination attempt, her persistence and power eventually led to their marriage. Georgette’s relationship with Xaverius is one of intense devotion, bordering on madness, with her primary focus being his protection and the use of her dark arcane powers to keep him safe.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Xaverius and Georgette share a deep fascination with the dark and forbidden aspects of magic. Both are willing to cross moral boundaries to achieve their goals, and they respect each other’s intellect and power. Their relationship thrives on their shared obsession with control and protection, though Georgette’s devotion often leads her to act in ways that are more extreme than Xaverius might prefer.

Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
20th of Aqurra
Year of Birth
15550 200 Years old
Aligned Organization


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