

Varanthia is a vast and diverse nation with a population of around 4 million inhabitants, spread across its expansive territories that stretch from the Scar Mountains in the east to the coastal regions near the Pinnacle Strait. The population is primarily human, comprising 60-70% of the populace, with a significant portion belonging to the Arkinite origin. These humans are known for their adaptability and resilience, traits that have allowed them to thrive in Varanthia’s often harsh and unforgiving environment.   Humans:
  • Arkinite Origin: The Arkinite humans are the most populous in Varanthia, known for their strong connection to the Nine Talons and their deeply ingrained cultural values of craftsmanship, spirituality, and communal collaboration.
  • Ithrians: Hailing from the neighboring Ithrian Kingdom, Ithrians in Varanthia are often merchants, diplomats, or skilled artisans. Their cultural emphasis on community and solidarity sometimes contrasts sharply with Varanthia's more ruthless values.
  • Kalevala: The Kalevalaians, hardy and resilient people from the Frozen North, are a minority within Varanthia but are respected for their martial prowess and indomitable spirit. Many serve as mercenaries or soldiers within the Varanthian military.
  • Larciaen: The Larciaen are an aquatic people, closely associated with the seas and rivers. In Varanthia, they are often found in coastal communities, where they contribute to maritime trade and fishing industries. Their presence near the Pinnacle Strait is significant, given the strategic importance of this region.
  • Mixed-Blood Humans: In addition to the distinct human populations, there are also mixed-blooded individuals who share heritage with two or more human origins. These individuals often inherit traits from both sides of their lineage, leading to a wide variety of appearances and abilities. In Varanthia, mixed-blooded humans are common in areas where different human cultures intersect, and while they are generally accepted, they must often navigate the complexities of their dual identities in a society that values pure bloodlines and lineage.
  Beastkin: Beastkin make up a notable portion of the population, with various species representing their animalistic heritage. These beings, evolved from ancient animal ancestors, are diverse in size and form, ranging from smaller, agile types to towering figures. Beastkin communities are often tight-knit, preserving their unique cultures and traditions. Despite their integration into Varanthian society, they are sometimes regarded with a mixture of awe and wariness, especially by those who see them as potential threats due to their physical prowess and ancestral ties.   Cragdram: The Cragdram are a stout and formidable race, known for their incredible endurance and resilience. Standing shorter than most humans but with the strength of mountain ranges, the Cragdram are highly respected as master craftsmen and warriors. Their connection to the earth and their ability to work with the rare Cragdrum metal make them invaluable in both the economic and military sectors of Varanthia. They are often found in the mountainous regions, where they maintain their strongholds and continue their ancient traditions.   Lumars: The Lumars are a diverse group united by their connections to various forms of magic. In Varanthia, they are respected for their mystical abilities, though often viewed with a degree of suspicion due to the unpredictable nature of their powers. Lumars can be found in various roles, from advisors to the nobility to solitary wanderers. Their subgroups, such as the E’talin, Jrigori, and Kiptos, contribute to the cultural and magical tapestry of Varanthia, each bringing their unique talents and traditions to the nation.   Abyssalith: The Abyssalith, ancient and enigmatic beings of the deep, are perhaps the most feared and reviled among the inhabitants of Varanthia. While their true nature and origins are shrouded in mystery, they are known for their terrifying acts of mutilation and corruption. These horrors have led to a widespread belief that all Abyssalith are malevolent creatures, capable of twisting the minds and bodies of those they encounter. Their presence is a constant source of dread, especially in the coastal regions and islands where they are rumored to dwell. The Abyssalith are rarely seen, but their influence is felt in the stories of entire warbands disappearing, ships vanishing without a trace, and the land itself being tainted by their dark power.


The government of Varanthia is a highly centralized and hierarchical structure, rooted in the principles laid out in the Mark of Leadership. At the pinnacle of this system is King Xaverius Draewynn, whose rule is marked by an iron grip on power and a deep understanding of both overt and covert governance. The monarchy is the ultimate authority, with the king's word being law. Xaverius, like his predecessors, employs a combination of fear, manipulation, and ruthless efficiency to maintain control over his vast and often turbulent kingdom. His decisions are absolute, backed by a network of spies, assassins, and loyalists who ensure that any dissent is swiftly and decisively dealt with.   Beneath the king, the Noble Caste serves as the enforcers of royal decrees and the managers of the day-to-day governance of Varanthia. These nobles, often holding vast estates and commanding private armies, are responsible for maintaining order within their territories, collecting taxes, and ensuring the loyalty of the commoners. The nobles themselves are constantly engaged in a delicate balancing act, navigating the treacherous waters of Varanthian politics. The Mark of Leadership teaches them to rule through fear, using calculated acts of cruelty to prevent rebellion and to keep their subjects in line. However, they must also demonstrate enough fairness and wisdom to avoid the king's wrath and to maintain their own positions of power within the kingdom's intricate social hierarchy.   The commoners and lesser officials, while holding little direct power, play crucial roles in the functioning of Varanthia's government. They are the backbone of the kingdom, responsible for producing the wealth and resources that fuel the ambitions of their rulers. Though heavily taxed and often subject to the whims of their noble overlords, the commoners have developed their own systems of mutual aid and quiet resistance. Local governance is often left in the hands of appointed officials, who are typically drawn from the ranks of the nobility or those who have proven their loyalty to the crown. These officials are tasked with enforcing the king's laws, managing public works, and maintaining the social order, all while ensuring that the royal treasury remains full. Despite the oppressive nature of the government, the people of Varanthia endure, their resilience and adaptability allowing them to survive and even thrive under a regime that values power above all else.


Varanthia’s defenses are as formidable and intricate as the nation itself, a reflection of its deep-rooted paranoia and ambition. The kingdom is encircled by massive, fortified walls that rise like sentinels from the rugged landscape, their dark stone infused with ancient, arcane runes that both strengthen the structure and repel magical assaults. These walls, known as the Ebon Bulwark, are patrolled by the Grim Knights and Errants, ensuring that no invader can breach Varanthia’s borders without facing overwhelming resistance.   In addition to these physical fortifications, Varanthia’s defense strategy heavily relies on its mastery of magic and dark arts. The Zephyrs are stationed at key defensive points throughout the kingdom, their ability to control the elements serving as a deterrent to would-be invaders. Should an enemy force approach, they can summon storms to drown fleets, earthquakes to shatter armies, or walls of fire to incinerate those who dare trespass on Varanthian soil.   The Xeromancers play a crucial role in the kingdom's defense as well. They have constructed a network of arcane towers and devices, known as the Spire Network, that blanket the kingdom in a web of surveillance and protection. These spires can detect and neutralize threats long before they reach the kingdom's heart, and in times of dire need, they can unleash devastating attacks that obliterate anything within their range. This combination of advanced technology and ancient magic makes Varanthia nearly impregnable, a fortress of darkness and steel.

Industry & Trade

Varanthia’s economy is driven by a combination of ruthless efficiency, advanced technology, and exploitation of both natural and supernatural resources. The kingdom's industry is heavily centered on the production of war materials, with massive forges and factories churning out weapons, armor, and siege engines at an astonishing rate. The Firmaists, renowned for their expertise in heavy combat and craftsmanship, oversee these operations, ensuring that every blade and piece of armor meets the highest standards. The Ironworks of Draewynn are particularly famous, producing some of the finest steel in the known world, coveted by mercenaries and nobles alike.   Mining is another critical industry in Varanthia, with the kingdom’s mountains rich in Cragdrum, a rare and powerful metal that can only be effectively worked by the Cragdram people. This metal is integral to the kingdom’s military might, used to forge weapons and armor that are both incredibly durable and imbued with mystical properties. The mining operations are vast and well-guarded, with entire towns dedicated to extracting these precious resources from the earth. The mines are also a source of lesser-known materials that the Occultists use in their dark rituals, further fueling Varanthia’s war machine.   Trade in Varanthia is tightly controlled by the crown, with all external commerce funneled through a few key cities and overseen by trusted officials. The kingdom exports its high-quality steel, enchanted weapons, and arcane devices to other nations, often in exchange for rare magical components, exotic goods, and slaves, which fuel its industries and satisfy the decadent tastes of its nobility. Despite its dark reputation, Varanthia’s goods are in high demand, and the kingdom's merchants are skilled negotiators, securing favorable terms even from those who view Varanthia with suspicion.   Internally, Varanthia's economy is also sustained by agriculture, with vast estates producing enough food to support its populous cities and mighty armies. However, these estates are often worked by commoners under strict supervision, and the fruits of their labor are taxed heavily to support the kingdom's military and its relentless pursuit of power. The wealth generated by Varanthia’s industries and trade ensures that the kingdom remains a dominant force in the region, its coffers always full and its armies always well-equipped for the next conquest.


The infrastructure of Varanthia is a testament to the kingdom's history of conquest, its relentless pursuit of power, and the meticulous design of a society built to endure the harshest of trials. The entrepreneurial spirit of Varanthia's rulers and its industrious populace has given rise to an array of grand and imposing structures that define the landscape, each a symbol of the kingdom's enduring might and the indomitable will of its people.   At the heart of Varanthia's infrastructure lies the Iron Veins, an intricate network of roads and fortified highways that snake through the kingdom like the lifeblood of a vast, living entity. These ancient roads, laid by the hands of countless generations, are built from stone quarried from the Scar Mountains, their surfaces worn smooth by the passage of armies, traders, and travelers. The Iron Veins are more than mere pathways—they are arteries that connect the farthest reaches of the kingdom to its heart, facilitating trade, communication, and the swift movement of troops. Guarded by imposing watchtowers and patrolled by heavily armed soldiers, these roads are a constant reminder of the kingdom's vigilance and readiness for war.   Dominating the skyline of Varanthia's capital, Draegard, stands the Citadel of Shadows, a fortress of black stone that looms over the city like a grim sentinel. Built atop the ruins of an older, forgotten stronghold, the Citadel is the seat of power for King Xaverius Draewynn and the heart of the kingdom's political and military might. Its towering walls, reinforced with iron and adorned with jagged spires, seem to absorb the very light of the sun, casting long, menacing shadows over the city below. Within its labyrinthine halls, the king's council convenes, secretive and guarded, making decisions that shape the fate of the entire realm. The Citadel is a place of both reverence and fear, its cold, dark corridors echoing with the whispered secrets of Varanthia's rulers.   Equally imposing is the Bridge of the Fallen, a colossal structure that spans the treacherous chasm of the Pinnacle Strait, linking Varanthia to its rival nation, Eryndor. The bridge, carved from the very bones of the earth, is an engineering marvel—a testament to the ingenuity and determination of Varanthia's builders. Its stone arches rise high above the raging waters below, and its surface is wide enough to accommodate entire armies. The bridge is both a symbol of Varanthia's dominance and a reminder of the bloodshed that has marked its history. Statues of ancient warriors and kings, carved with grim expressions, line its length, their gazes fixed eternally on the horizon as if watching for the next threat. The Bridge of the Fallen is not merely a means of crossing the strait—it is a monument to the countless lives lost in the pursuit of power, and a stark warning to those who would challenge Varanthia's might.


Sabina District The Sabina District, named after Queen Sabina Draewynn, is the most powerful and prestigious region in Varanthia, home to the capital city, Valdor. This district is the heart of the nation, where the king’s court is permanently established and where political, cultural, and military power converge. Valdor is a city of grandeur, its skyline dominated by the towering spires of the royal palace, ancient fortresses, and majestic temples dedicated to the Nine Talons. Queen Sabina, the Primary Queen, rules this district with unmatched authority, overseeing the kingdom’s most vital affairs and ensuring that her influence remains unchallenged. Her court is a place of ruthless intrigue and fierce competition, where loyalty to the queen is rewarded, and dissent is met with swift retribution. Sabina’s dominance over this district is a constant reminder to the other queens of her superior status and the king’s favor.   Alvina District The Alvina District, named after Queen Alvina Draewynn, is located along the southern coastline and serves as the economic and diplomatic center of Varanthia. This district is known for its bustling ports, where ships from distant lands arrive, bringing goods and wealth that fuel the nation’s prosperity. The capital of this district, Sarath, is a city of elegance and sophistication, where commerce thrives and treaties are forged. Queen Alvina, with her keen diplomatic skills, has turned this region into a hub of international relations, ensuring that Varanthia maintains strong ties with powerful allies and remains a formidable force on the global stage. Despite her refined demeanor, Alvina is as ambitious and cunning as the other queens, constantly seeking ways to elevate her status and undermine her rivals, particularly Queen Sabina. Her district reflects her strategic mind, balancing wealth, diplomacy, and subtle manipulation to maintain her influence.   Georgetta District The Georgetta District, under the rule of Queen Georgette Draewynn, is nestled in the eastern highlands, a region rich in arcane energy and ancient ruins. This district is the mystical heart of Varanthia, where the kingdom’s most powerful sorcerers and scholars reside. The capital city, Arcanea, is a place of wonder and mystery, where the pursuit of magical knowledge is the highest calling. Georgette, a formidable sorceress, governs this district with a focus on arcane mastery and the preservation of magical traditions. Her court is filled with scholars, alchemists, and mages who seek to uncover the secrets of the universe and harness the power of the arcane. Georgette’s rivalry with the other queens, especially Alvina, is fueled by her desire to prove that her district’s magical prowess is the true cornerstone of Varanthia’s strength. Arcanea is both a beacon of knowledge and a fortress of mystical power, where the lines between reality and the supernatural blur.   Aillsa District The Aillsa District, named after Queen Aillsa Draewynn, is a rugged and militaristic region located in the northern territories of Varanthia. This district is the kingdom’s shield, home to its most disciplined and battle-hardened warriors. The capital, Drakensreach, is a fortress city, surrounded by mountains and treacherous terrain that serve as natural defenses. Queen Aillsa, a master of military strategy and warfare, commands this district with an iron hand, ensuring that Varanthia’s armies remain the most feared in the land. Her court is austere and disciplined, where strength and loyalty are valued above all else. The rivalry between Aillsa and the other queens is particularly intense, as she views her role in safeguarding the kingdom as more critical than the political maneuverings of Sabina, the diplomatic efforts of Alvina, or the arcane pursuits of Georgette. Aillsa’s district is a bastion of strength and resilience, where the king’s warriors are forged and where the spirit of Varanthia’s martial prowess is kept alive.

Guilds and Factions

Varanthia, under the rule of the House of Draewynn, is a nation where power and fear are the currency of the realm. The land is filled with various guilds and factions, each playing a critical role in maintaining the strength and dark ambitions of the kingdom. These organizations are deeply entwined with the worship of Raven and Crow, the two deities from the Nine Talons Pantheon who govern death, secrets, and the art of war.
  1. The Onyx Circle The Onyx Circle is a powerful faction devoted to the deity Raven. This secretive order controls the Onyx Knights, elite warriors who serve as the enforcers of Raven’s will. The Onyx Circle operates from hidden temples scattered across Varanthia, each a stronghold of arcane power and deadly skill. The Onyx Knights are renowned for their stealth, precision, and the cold efficiency with which they carry out their tasks. Whether eliminating a political rival or leading a covert raid, the Onyx Knights are the embodiment of Raven’s dark justice. The Onyx Circle is deeply integrated into the political machinations of Varanthia, often influencing decisions made by the House of Draewynn through their mastery of secrets and assassination.
  2. The Grim Assembly The Grim Assembly is the faction associated with the deity Crow, overseeing the Grim Knights—fearsome warriors who act as the kingdom's executioners and guardians of forbidden knowledge. The Grim Assembly is responsible for maintaining the balance between life and death, ensuring that those who deserve to die meet their end, and that the secrets of Varanthia remain hidden from prying eyes. The Grim Knights are often seen as harbingers of death, clad in dark armor, and wielding weapons infused with the power of Crow. Their presence is both feared and respected, as they are known to carry out their duties with an unwavering sense of purpose. The Grim Assembly operates in the shadows, often working in conjunction with the Onyx Circle to protect the interests of the Draewynn family.
  3. The Ironclad Syndicate The Ironclad Syndicate, while primarily focused on the kingdom's industrial and mining operations, is also closely tied to the military might of Varanthia. This guild controls the supply of Cragdrum and other vital resources, ensuring that the armies of Varanthia are well-equipped for war. The Syndicate's influence extends beyond mere resource management; they have their own militia and are known to fund mercenary groups, including Drovers and Firmaists, to protect their interests. The Ironclad Syndicate is also involved in the creation of the kingdom's formidable war machines and fortifications, making them indispensable to Varanthia's war efforts.
  4. The Freeblade Order The Freeblade Order is a loosely organized group of mercenaries, bounty hunters, and Marauders who operate on the fringes of Varanthian society. While not officially sanctioned by the House of Draewynn, the Freeblades are often employed for tasks that require discretion or brute force. Their loyalty is bought, not earned, and they are known for their willingness to take on the most dangerous and morally dubious jobs. The Freeblade Stronghold, located in the mountainous region ruled by Queen Alvina Draewynn, serves as their base of operations. Despite their unofficial status, the Freeblades are a force to be reckoned with, often playing a key role in the kingdom's black ops and covert missions.


Varanthia's origins are intricately tied to the neighboring kingdom of Eryndor, their destinies intertwined through the union of two powerful royal families—the Draewynns of Varanthia and the Lýondors of Eryndor. The foundation of these twin kingdoms was laid by the deep bond between Gerhart Draewynn and his sister Felicienne, and Winthrop Lýondor and his sister Gabriele. These royal siblings found love and purpose in one another, forging an alliance that would shape the course of history. This union was not just a marriage of individuals but a melding of legacies, giving birth to the twin realms of Varanthia and Eryndor, each standing as a testament to their founders’ shared vision of power and unity.   From the moment of its inception, Varanthia was a land of harsh beauty and formidable challenges. Nestled against the foreboding Scar Mountains and surrounded by dense, ancient forests, the kingdom was as perilous as it was alluring. Gerhart and Felicienne Draewynn, with the strength of their bond and the might of their lineage, sought to tame this wild land, transforming it into a realm that commanded respect and fear. Their claim to power was further solidified by their connection to the majestic Varanthia Wyrverins—ancient, powerful creatures that had chosen the Draewynns as their kin. It was said that the Draewynns had earned the favor of a Great Wyvern through an ancient pact, a bond that granted them the status of royalty and a deep, mystical connection with these fearsome beasts.   In Varanthia, it became tradition for at least two children from each generation of the Draewynn line—one boy and one girl—to be trained as Winged Riders. These royal scions would be raised alongside a Wyrverin, forming an unbreakable bond that would last their entire lives. The training of a Winged Rider was a grueling and sacred process, involving not just physical prowess but also a deep understanding of the ancient magics that bound rider and beast. The Wyrverins, with their immense strength and terrifying presence, were both protectors and symbols of the Draewynn dynasty’s power, ensuring that the royal line would always command the skies as well as the land.   Meanwhile, across the treacherous Pinnacle Strait, the Lýondor family of Eryndor held a similar bond with the noble Griffins. The Lýondors, through an ancient deed of heroism, had earned the allegiance of these majestic creatures, who became the guardians and companions of their lineage. Like the Draewynns, the Lýondors trained their children to become Winged Riders, forming bonds with their Griffins that would be revered throughout the kingdom. The sight of a Lýondor prince or princess soaring through the skies on the back of a Griffin was a powerful reminder of Eryndor’s strength and the divine favor that seemed to rest upon the family.   The twin kingdoms flourished, their bond symbolized by the ancient bridges that spanned the Pinnacle Strait, a testament to the unity forged by their founders. However, this unity would be tested as the shadow of the Imperial Core loomed over the land. The Core, a burgeoning empire with designs on absolute dominance, viewed the independent and powerful twin kingdoms as threats to its ambitions. It was not long before war erupted, with the Core’s armies laying siege to the bridges, seeking to sever the connection between Varanthia and Eryndor.   The war was long and devastating, with both kingdoms fighting valiantly to preserve their sovereignty. The Draewynns and Lýondors, united in purpose, sent their Winged Riders to the front lines, where the sight of Wyrverins and Griffins tearing through the skies brought hope to their soldiers and fear to their enemies. Despite their valor, the war took a heavy toll, particularly on Varanthia, which found itself unprepared for the prolonged siege. As the Core’s blockade tightened, cutting off supplies and trade, the Draewynns were forced to turn to their Lýondor kin for aid.   Eryndor, having anticipated the Core’s aggression, was better prepared and sent what little assistance it could spare. But the aid was not enough to alleviate Varanthia’s suffering. Famine and desperation gripped the land, breeding resentment among the Draewynns, who began to suspect that their Lýondor kin were hoarding resources for themselves. This suspicion, born out of fear and hunger, sowed the seeds of distrust that would eventually drive a wedge between the once-united families.   When the war finally ended, with the Core withdrawing in the face of the twin kingdoms’ unyielding resistance, the damage had been done. The bond that had once united Varanthia and Eryndor was irreparably fractured, replaced by a simmering animosity that would fester for generations. Varanthia, now hardened by betrayal and loss, turned inward, focusing on rebuilding its strength and fortifying its defenses against both external enemies and internal strife.   In the aftermath of the war, Varanthia underwent a dark transformation. The kingdom, once a beacon of resilience and unity, became a land where power was the only law. The rise of the Grim Knights and Onyx Knights—elite warriors devoted to the deities Crow and Raven—symbolized this shift. The Grim Knights, bound to Crow, served as the kingdom’s executioners, their loyalty absolute and their methods brutal. The Onyx Knights, devoted to Raven, operated in the shadows, their blades ever ready to silence those who posed a threat to the Draewynn rule. These warriors, feared throughout the land, ensured that the Draewynns’ grip on power remained unchallenged.   King Thurmond Draewynn, who ascended to the throne during this period of reconstruction, sought to further secure his kingdom through a series of strategic marriages. His first wife, Queen Sabina, was a woman of unparalleled beauty and intellect, chosen for her political acumen and ability to navigate the treacherous waters of court intrigue. Sabina quickly established herself as the Primary Queen, ruling over the capital with an iron fist and ensuring that her influence extended to every corner of the kingdom.   Thurmond’s second wife, Queen Alvina, was a diplomatic prize, the daughter of a powerful neighboring lord whose lands were rich in resources. Alvina’s marriage to Thurmond was a calculated move to secure an alliance that would strengthen Varanthia’s economy. Alvina’s domain became the center of diplomacy and trade, where treaties were brokered and alliances forged in the name of Varanthia’s prosperity.   Queen Georgette, the third wife, was taken as a war prize after Thurmond’s conquest of her homeland. A powerful mage, Georgette was forced into marriage and became the mistress of arcane knowledge within the kingdom. Her domain, steeped in dark magic and forbidden rituals, became a place of mystery and fear, where the line between life and death was blurred, and the secrets of the ancient world were unearthed.   The final wife, Queen Aillsa, was a warrior princess from the northern tribes, brought to heel after a brutal campaign led by Thurmond. Aillsa’s strength and indomitable spirit earned her a place in Thurmond’s court, where she became the mistress of military affairs. Her domain, a fortress city in the mountains, was a bastion of strength and discipline, where the kingdom’s finest soldiers were trained in the art of war.   Despite Thurmond’s efforts to maintain control through these marriages, the rivalries between the queens grew into a festering wound that threatened to consume the kingdom. Each queen, driven by jealousy and ambition, sought to outdo the others, turning their districts into centers of power and intrigue. The court became a battlefield of words and alliances, where betrayal lurked around every corner, and the only certainty was that power would always come at a price.   Only Safinnia Lýondor, the most recent bride, stood apart from this deadly game. A princess from Eryndor, Safinnia was sent to Varanthia as a bargaining chip in a desperate attempt to secure peace between the two kingdoms. Unlike the other queens, Safinnia refused to bend to Thurmond’s will, earning her the moniker “Mount Virgin” for her unyielding spirit and towering height. She was the only queen who did not seek power or influence, her heart still loyal to her homeland and the ideals she had been raised with. Safinnia’s defiance only fueled the jealousy of the other queens, who saw her as both a threat and a symbol of their own failures.   Thurmond, enraged by her refusal, kept Safinnia close, forcing her to travel with him as a constant reminder of his power. Yet, despite his efforts, Safinnia remained untouched, her spirit unbroken. Her presence at court became a source of tension, with the other queens torn between envy and pity. Some saw her as a naive girl clinging to old ideals, while others feared that her defiance might inspire others to challenge Thurmond’s authority.   As the years passed, the rivalries within the royal household deepened, and Varanthia became increasingly fractured. The once-great kingdom, born from love and unity, had become a land of shadows and intrigue, where power was the only currency, and betrayal was the norm. The legacy of the Draewynn and Lýondor families, once a symbol of unity and strength, had become one of conflict and division, with the future of both kingdoms hanging in the balance.

Points of interest

  • The Ebon Spire The Ebon Spire is the central fortress and palace of Varanthia, located in the district ruled by Queen Sabina Draewynn. This towering structure, made of dark stone and reinforced with Cragdrum, is both the seat of the royal family and a symbol of their unyielding power. The Spire is not just a place of governance; it is also a hub of dark rituals and arcane experiments, many of which are conducted in secret chambers deep within its walls. The Spire Network, a system of arcane communication and surveillance, allows the Draewynn family to maintain control over the entire kingdom, monitoring the actions of their subjects and enemies alike.
  • The Ironworks of Draewynn Situated in the district governed by Queen Aillsa Draewynn, the Ironworks of Draewynn are the heart of Varanthia's industrial prowess. This massive complex is dedicated to the production of weapons, armor, and war machines, all crafted from the kingdom's abundant mineral resources. The Ironworks are also a center for innovation, where the kingdom's best minds work to develop new technologies and methods of warfare. The district surrounding the Ironworks is a bustling hub of activity, with constant movement of goods, materials, and soldiers, all contributing to the war machine that drives Varanthia's ambitions.
  • The Shadowed Grove The Shadowed Grove, located in the district overseen by Queen Georgette Draewynn, is a dark and mysterious forest known for its connection to the arcane and the unknown. The Grove is a place of ancient power, where the boundary between the mortal world and the realm of spirits is thin. It is here that the Grim Assembly conducts its most secretive rituals, calling upon the power of Crow to protect the kingdom and its secrets. The forest is filled with hidden pathways, ancient ruins, and creatures not of this world, making it a place both feared and revered by the people of Varanthia.
  • The Freeblade Stronghold Nestled in the rugged mountains of the district ruled by Queen Alvina Draewynn, the Freeblade Stronghold is the headquarters of the Freeblade Order. This fortress is carved into the mountainside, accessible only by treacherous paths and well-guarded by mercenaries who value their freedom above all else. The Stronghold is a place where deals are made, bounties are exchanged, and mercenaries from all over Varanthia come to seek work. It is a hub of intrigue and power, where the law of coin and contract prevails, and where the Freeblades plot their next move in the ever-shifting landscape of Varanthian politics.


Tourism in Varanthia is a complex and multifaceted experience, deeply entwined with the nation’s dark history, arcane mysteries, and the unyielding power of its ruling class. While the kingdom is not known for warm hospitality or picturesque landscapes, it draws a specific type of traveler: those seeking knowledge, power, or an understanding of the darker aspects of the world.   The Arcane Pilgrimages One of the main attractions for tourists in Varanthia is the opportunity to witness or even partake in arcane rituals and magical studies. The Arcane Spire in the capital is a focal point for such tourism. Mages, scholars, and those with a thirst for forbidden knowledge come from all over the world to study the ancient tomes and artifacts housed within its walls. Guided tours, though costly, offer a glimpse into the rituals of the Arcane Circle and the opportunity to purchase enchanted items or rare magical ingredients from the Spire’s markets.   The Shadowed Pilgrimage For those drawn to the darker side of spirituality, Varanthia offers a unique pilgrimage to the Shadowed Grove. This ancient and eerie forest is believed to be a gateway between the mortal realm and the world of spirits. Visitors come to experience the eerie beauty of the Grove, with its twisted trees and ever-present mist, and to seek out the wisdom of the Grim Assembly. Some pilgrims hope to commune with the spirits, seeking visions or prophecies, while others come to make offerings to Crow, hoping to curry favor with the deity of death and secrets.   The Warrior’s Quest Varanthia also attracts warriors and adventurers eager to test their mettle. The Ironworks of Draewynn and the surrounding district are a magnet for those interested in the art of war. Here, they can observe the creation of the kingdom’s legendary weapons and armor, crafted from Cragdrum and other rare materials. Some tourists, particularly those with military backgrounds, come to train with the kingdom’s warriors, including the Grim Knights and Onyx Knights, seeking to learn their deadly techniques. The Freeblade Stronghold offers another draw, where aspiring mercenaries can try their hand at joining the Freeblade Order or compete in deadly tournaments for coin and reputation.   Dark History Tours For those with a taste for history, Varanthia offers tours that delve into its bloody and complex past. The Ebon Spire is at the center of these tours, where visitors can explore the dark corridors of the royal palace, learning about the history of the House of Draewynn and the various queens who have ruled alongside King Xaverius. These tours often include visits to old battlefields, sites of significant historical events, and even ancient prisons where traitors and enemies of the crown met their end. The guides, often knowledgeable historians or former soldiers, regale visitors with tales of intrigue, betrayal, and power struggles that have shaped the kingdom.   Forbidden Commerce Finally, Varanthia is known for its black markets and the trade of forbidden items. In the shadowed corners of the capital and within certain hidden markets in the Shadowed Grove, one can find artifacts of dark magic, rare poisons, and other items not available in the more lawful lands. Collectors, rogue mages, and those with a penchant for the macabre come to Varanthia to purchase these goods, often at great personal risk.


Sabina’s District: The Capital of Draewynn The capital, Draewynn, where Queen Sabina Draewynn holds court, is a marvel of intricate design and regal elegance. The architecture here is characterized by towering spires and grand palaces, all constructed from volcanic stone that glimmers with a dark, obsidian-like sheen. The buildings are adorned with vibrant mosaics of blood red, gold, and deep violet, reflecting the queen’s love for rich, imperial colors. Each structure is lined with arches and colonnades, their surfaces carved with the history of Varanthia and its rulers, giving the city an air of timeless authority.   Central to the district is the Ebon Spire, the royal palace where Sabina resides, a structure that rises high above the city, crowned with golden domes that catch the light of the sun and moon. The spire is surrounded by vast courtyards filled with exotic gardens, where paths of white marble weave through lush greenery and fountains that sparkle with water enchanted to shimmer in different hues. The capital is a place of power and beauty, where every corner reflects Sabina’s control and her desire to project the might of the Draewynn dynasty.   Alvina’s District: The Port of Alvanor Queen Alvina Draewynn’s district, Alvanor, is a vibrant coastal city that serves as Varanthia’s main port and gateway to the world. The architecture here reflects Alvina’s diplomatic nature and her love for the sea, with buildings that seem to rise and fall like waves, their curves smooth and flowing. The volcanic stone used in Alvanor has been polished to a high shine, creating structures that gleam in the sunlight with shades of sapphire, emerald, and aquamarine, echoing the colors of the ocean.   Alvanor’s most distinctive feature is its use of open-air designs, with large balconies, terraces, and colonnades that allow the sea breeze to flow freely through the city. The roofs are often covered with colorful tiles that create intricate patterns, reflecting the diverse cultures that Alvina has brought to Varanthia through her diplomatic efforts. The Sea Queen’s Hall, where Alvina resides, is a palace built on a cliff overlooking the ocean, its walls encrusted with shells and pearls, and its windows wide and open to the sky and sea. Alvanor is a place of beauty and trade, where the architecture speaks of connection, movement, and the wealth that flows through its ports.   Georgette’s District: The Arcane City of Geoneth Queen Georgette Draewynn’s domain, Geoneth, is a city of arcane wonders, where the architecture is as much a reflection of magic as it is of stone and mortar. The city is built around a series of volcanic craters, with buildings that spiral upwards like coiled serpents, their surfaces shimmering with enchanted runes and symbols that glow with an inner light. The volcanic stone here has been transformed through magical means, taking on hues of iridescent green, violet, and silver, creating a city that seems to pulse with arcane energy.   Geoneth’s buildings are adorned with stained glass windows that depict scenes of magical lore and celestial events, casting colorful lights across the streets and plazas. The Arcane Spire, Georgette’s residence, is the tallest structure in the city, its pinnacle crowned with a crystal orb that reflects the constellations above. The city is filled with towers and observatories, where mages study the stars and weave spells into the very fabric of the architecture. Geoneth is a city of mystery and power, where the lines between the material and the magical are blurred, and where every building tells a story of the arcane.   Aillsa’s District: The Fortress of Aillar Queen Aillsa Draewynn’s district, Aillar, is a fortress city built on the rugged slopes of the Scar Mountains, where the architecture is as imposing as the queen’s military prowess. The city is a blend of strength and beauty, with massive walls and towers constructed from volcanic stone that has been infused with veins of red and gold, giving the buildings a fiery, almost molten appearance. The structures are angular and precise, with sharp lines and fortified balconies, yet they are also adorned with banners and shields that display the heraldry of Aillsa’s armies.   Aillar’s streets are wide and straight, designed for the movement of troops and the transport of war machines. The Iron Bastion, Aillsa’s residence, is a castle that dominates the city, its battlements bristling with weapons and its gates guarded by statues of legendary warriors. Despite its martial nature, Aillar is not without its color and artistry—the volcanic stone is carved with reliefs of epic battles and victories, and the city’s public spaces are decorated with fountains and gardens that provide a stark contrast to the harsh surroundings. Aillar is a city of discipline and order, where the architecture reflects both the military might of Varanthia and the unyielding will of its queen.


The Scar Mountains To the east of Varanthia, the Scar Mountains rise like a jagged spine, their peaks cutting into the sky with a severity that mirrors the harshness of the land. These mountains are both a natural barrier and a stronghold, their slopes dotted with fortresses and watchtowers that keep vigil over the kingdom’s borders. The range is rich in volcanic rock, which the Varanthians have long mined to build their cities, its black and red hues giving the landscape a forbidding aspect. The highest peaks are often shrouded in mist, and the valleys below are prone to sudden, violent storms that sweep down from the heights, leaving the land rugged and scarred. The Scar Mountains are also home to a network of hidden passes and caves, some of which are rumored to be haunted by ancient spirits or guarded by creatures of legend.   The Pinnacle Strait The western border of Varanthia is defined by the Pinnacle Strait, a treacherous waterway that separates the nation from its western neighbors. The strait is narrow and deep, with powerful currents and submerged rocks that make navigation perilous for all but the most skilled sailors. The waters are fed by underground volcanic vents, which keep them unnervingly warm and often shrouded in steam, adding to the strait’s reputation as a dangerous and unpredictable passage. Along its banks, cliffs of volcanic stone rise sharply from the water, creating natural fortifications that have been further strengthened by Varanthian defenses. The strait is a vital trade route, but also a strategic choke point, where the fortunes of many a fleet have been decided.   The Verdant Vale Nestled between the Scar Mountains and the Pinnacle Strait lies the Verdant Vale, a fertile and temperate region that serves as the breadbasket of Varanthia. The Vale is a place of rolling hills, lush forests, and winding rivers that irrigate the land, making it one of the most agriculturally productive areas in the kingdom. The volcanic soil is rich and black, perfect for growing a wide variety of crops, from grains to vineyards, and the forests are filled with ancient trees, some said to be older than the kingdom itself. The Vale is also dotted with small, picturesque villages and grand estates, where the land’s bounty is celebrated with festivals and feasts. The rivers here are calm and clear, unlike the tumultuous waters of the Pinnacle Strait, and they provide easy transport routes for goods and people alike.   The Shrouded Mire To the south, Varanthia gives way to the Shrouded Mire, a vast and mysterious swamp that stretches as far as the eye can see. The Mire is a place of dense fog and still waters, where the land seems to sink into itself, and the boundaries between earth, water, and sky are blurred. The swamp is dotted with small islands of solid ground, but much of it is a maze of channels, bogs, and quicksand, making it a dangerous place to navigate. The air is thick with the smell of decay and the buzzing of insects, and the waters are home to all manner of creatures, some of which are said to be more than mere beasts. The Shrouded Mire is a place of dark magic and old secrets, where the line between the living and the dead is thin, and many who enter are never seen again. The Mire serves as a natural defense for Varanthia, its treacherous landscape deterring all but the most foolhardy invaders.
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800,000 to 1,200,000
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