
Azresh is a province of the Kalmasan Samraj located in northwestern Kalmasa. It borders New Eshkar in the south and the Cochicoatepetlan Mountains in the north that form a natural barrier between the Samraj and the eastern reaches of the Neztlalpan Confederation. To the west is Ixcan Pass that opens onto the Chilacaualco Desert. The east faces the Atyanta Ocean The province is governed by House Zikharem, the ancestral rulers of the former independent Raj of Azresh.


Commerce and Diplomacy


Azresh is a crossroads between the desert, the sea, Neztlalpan and the rest of the Samraj. It has capitalized on this unique position, becoming the wealthiest province outside of Donava. Despite a bloody history and cold official diplomacy between the Samraj and Neztlalpan, Azresh enjoys a strong relationship with Neztlalpan and is a major exporter of finished goods to the kingdoms of Neztlalpan.




Azresh was the second raj of the Eshtem to be established in Kalmasa, after New Eshkar. Its founder was Valku bas Zikharem, a powerful Eshtem lord who ignored his long-time rival Gheran bas Arbiram's peace treaty witht the Apoxtec kingdom to the north in which they recognized New Eshkar. Lord Valku sensed weakness in that concession, both from Lord Gheran and the Apoxtec tlatoani, Ocelomichitl and invaded the Apoxtec kingdom with his own fleet and ground forces in a series of devastating attacks. Despite the anger this caused Lord Gheran, the lands and plunder Valku offered to lesser Eshtem houses who supported him made it impossible for Gheran to risk retaliation given his precarious position at the time. During the War of Brothers, it was the second to last to submit to Mahendran I.

Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization
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