
The oghra is a fierce keratoplexan predator that stalks the densely forested foothills and valleys of Volenar. They are three meters long, stand 130 centimeters at the shoulder and are covered with a thick shaggy coat of black feathers. Cartilaginous plates underneath the skin run from their snouts to the end of their long, thick tail. Their heads are large, with large pointed ears and mouths armed with sharp teeth including two sabre teeth. Their eyes are their strangest feature. Their irises can change the shape as well as the size of their pupils, to gather in the most light in the shady forests. This gives the oghra a very disturbing look, which along with its screaming, hyena-like cackle, similar to their smaller cousins, the terrosks, strikes fear in many who would presume to invade its territory.

Young highland ejdehan males must take part in a oghra hunt in order to be considered adults and be given permission to find a mate. Normally, ceremonial hunting parties of ten unarmored Ejdehan armed with spears venture into the forest to hunt the oghra. It is not rare for deaths to occur. Oghra hide is prized as armor and their skulls are preserved, decorated and worn as signs of rank by brood chiefs. Teeth and claws are made into necklaces worn by hunters. Their sabre-like fangs are made into ceremonial daggers worn by ejdehan sun speakers.

Oghra are solitary creatures, except during the fall mating season, when mated pairs will stay together for three months. Oghra hibernate during the winter, when cubs are born. Wise ejdehan hunters avoid oghra mothers with young.

The oghra is an ambush hunter who lies in wait in large trees or thick brush and pounces on its victims. It grabs hold with sharp claws and clamps down on its prey’s throat then eviscerates the prey with its back claws. Oghras are considered unusually vicious and territorial predators. They will pursue and attack creatures invading their territory relentlessly.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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