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History of Grim

The macro view of Grim (The island country North of Bastion).

The Primeval Period

94 BC 0 BC

The time before the great collision, but after the Gods left.

  • -90 BC

    Rise of the Serpents

    The Primordial Serpent claims Grim as its territory, and The Great Leviathan claims Marinas. Under their protection, the ancient Yuan-Ti empire forms and Triton civilization begins, respectively.   Note: In the present day, Marinas refers to the trench that runs through a large portion of Rhune's ocean. While the Triton were around, Marinas referred to the city within the trench.

  • -60 BC

    Feyreach is Founded

    The city of Feyreach is founded and established as the capital of the island. The city gets its name from the Primordial Serpent's first attempt at breaching into the Fey wild.

    Additional timelines
  • -56 BC

    The Royal Selection
    Political event

    The Primordial Serpent lessens its watch over Grim in favor of its research into the Fey. In his stead, the serpent calls upon every tribe on Grim to present one candidate to lead as their king. Zhalsuth is selected as his tribe's candidate. This act catches the ire of The Great Leviathan, who thinks that the Serpent is abandoning its people.

  • -55 BC

    Zhalsuth Takes Power
    Political event

    Zhalsuth is installed as the king of the yuan-ti by the Primordial Serpent. At the same time, a Yuan-Ti named Yang is chosen as the Serpent's Champion.

  • -50 BC

    Union of the Yuan-ti and Triton

    Zhalsuth announces his marriage to Queen Elryn on the day of the new year. In doing so, he forges an alliance between his kingdom and the water-dwelling triton.

  • -49 BC

    -11 BC

    Zhalsuth's Kingdom
    Life, Wealth

    Under Zhalsuth, Grim thrives. Their trade with the triton coupled with their eventual access to the Fey blesses them with unimaginable wealth and power. The nation enjoys its peace in relative solitude and seclusion.

  • -25 BC

    The Primordial Serpent Breaches into the Fey

    The Primordial Serpent achieves its goal of expanding its influence into the Fey.

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  • -10 BC

    The Primordial Serpent Leaves Grim

    The Primordial Serpent is warned of the collision event by his champion, Yang, and decided to escape into the Fey. In doing so, the Primordial Serpent abandons the yuan-ti to die.

  • 0 BC

    The Collision Event

    A fallen star crashes into Bastion, wiping out all existing civilizations on Rhune and crippling the power of all primordials. Only 10% of life remained after this event, and even less are still around today.

The Time of Mixed Blessings

1 AC 300 AC

The collision event drives most races to extinction, including the yuan-ti and their empire. All Primordials still on Rhune have been weakened, and new civilizations start to form.

  • 1 AC

    74 AC

    Repopulation of Grim
    Population Migration / Travel

    Grim starts to get repopulated. This marks the first time races outside of the yuan-ti have set foot on the island since Queen Elryn. The new residents are diverse but are mostly humans and elves. Also, they are largely tribal until the rediscovery of Feyreach.

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  • 75 AC

    Feyreach is Rediscovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The remnants of Feyreach are discovered by a group of settlers. More importantly, they find a portal to the Fey underneath the city. They harness the power of this portal in order to rebuild the city.

    Additional timelines
  • 76 AC

    100 AC

    Grim Becomes Established
    Population Migration / Travel

    The East section of Grim starts to move from tribal times to actual cities. The West remains largely underdeveloped with the exception of the reclusive dwarves at Dher Boldar.

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  • 100 AC

    Return of the Leviathan
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Great Leviathan, now without physical form and existing only in the ethereal plane, gifts Zhalsuth with the Book of the Leviathan

  • 101 AC

    200 AC

    Grim Flourishes
    Financial Event

    A new generation of nobility takes over Grim and trade has been opened with other countries and continents (Namely, Bastion). This money is used to finally venture into the Tundra of the West and start development.

    Additional timelines
  • 231 AC

    Allak Militarizes the Aarakocra
    Military action

    In the face of many diplomatic disasters and failed civil movements, Allak decides to militarize the aarakocra refugees of Grim into the Cult of the Chained God.

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  • 232 AC

    Assembly of Grim
    Gathering / Conference

    Salethar recruits Allak and Zhalsuth for everyone's mutual gain. This marks the starting point of the "The Assembly of Grim" campaign.

  • 234 AC

    1 /4
    299 AC

    The Aftermath of the Assembly
    Life, Milestone

    Zhalsuth, Allak, and Salethar have all been stopped while Oni, Mex Vultar, and Kell live to tell the tale. The face of Grim is left in ruin as not every settlement was equipped to handle the rise in demonic presence that occurred over the campaign. Feron, Koledo, and Dher Boldar have all fallen while Esterwood, Phywell, Ulford, and Crystmas have been weakened (Crystmas, in particular, would have fallen without the efforts of the party, and Koledo only fell due to James' assassination of the jarl).

  • 300 AC

    The Gods Return to Rhune
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Reconstruction is all but finished. The divines suddenly start appearing across Rhune, but this time, not to make war. Some walk among the people, while others use their godly avatars to rally their followers and strengthen their favor. They cannot hold their form in the material realm forever, so these appearances became more erratic as time went on.