
"How much you want for it?" A cloaked man walks through the city streets toward a shopkeeper with a pop-up stall. "I dunno, how 'bout you tell me what you'll gimme for it. Seems like people 'round here could really use a hunk of meat like this one." The shopkeeper motions to the large slab of elk meat that hangs on a hook beside his pop-up shop.
The cloaked man mutters to himself for a moment before responding. "How 'bout dis. We's gonna take it for FREE!" Just then the hood flops back off of the man to reveal 3 kobolds propping each other up. The one on the top leaps for the meat, dragging it and the shop to the ground. The middle one ducks under the stall and kicks the merchant in the shin before running off. The bottom kobold, distracted by the shiny glint of gold among the rubble of the stall scurries around and starts picking up all the coin it can muster.
The shopkeeping merchant dives across the counter to catch the scrappy kobolds, but they scuttle around and disappear into a few nearby alleyways. He stands up and starts shouting for the guards with all of his air. Quickly, a few guards come running by, seeing the wreckage they look to the man. "Sir, what has happened here?" The merchant, now sobbing because of his stall points out toward where the kobolds got off to. "Those little lizard demons got away with my meat! I think they took coin too! CATCH THEM!"
The younger guard of the two starts to snicker to himself as the more veteran of the two guards stretches a hand out to the merchant. The merchant reaches over to grab his hand to get up from the ground, but the guard slaps his hand away. Confused and upset the merchant looks at the guard with fury in his eyes. The veteran guard, with a devious smile on his face, replies "What? Think you're getting help from someone? Why don't you ask your titans for help while you're at it? No, pay up if you want your goods back." The merchant, completely speechless looks to the younger guard with an expectant look. The younger guard replies, "Welcome to Grimes my friend!"


Used to keep the children of Mesh from pushing into Prelician lands, the Prelician people lay their dead to rest along the border.


Choose 2: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma
Add +2 to one of those chosen stats, and +1 to the other chosen stat.

Feature: Social Security
This feature grants you the following benefits:
  • You gain proficiency with thieves' tools. If you already have proficiency with this tool, gain expertise in it instead.
  • When meeting a member of a faction or organization for the first time, you may make an insight check versus their passive deception to determine their rank and standing within their organization, as well as their current disposition.


  • Prelicia
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Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Articles under Prelicia


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