
Table of Contents

2023 - After Dark

This page was written several months after the original event as a more overview-style summary. The original prep and review articles were hosted on wow that's a lot of stars, and have been moved here as sub-articles. I haven't updated their formatting since transferring worlds, so some parts may look strange.


For my first WorldEmber, I used the momentum and freedom of the challenge to write articles related to a campaign that'd recently finished. Though none won their templates, and I over-exerted myself with a scavenger hunt, I had a wonderful WorldEmber overall. I ended the month happy with what I'd created and confident those articles would stick around for a while.  
Throughout the month, I had Essenger's album After Dark on repeat. The album became the theme music to Nisora for me, and the song Offworld in particular was emblematic of the mood I was in.  
To partake in my scavenger hunt, look for hidden checkboxes in my WE articles. Once you've found all four, you'll unlock a short story and a subscriber group to access future hidden content.  
Gamma Radiation
Prose | Sep 28, 2024

What became of the three VI bosses after news of the surveillance program was revealed.



Write 10k Words
Though I've managed the NaNo 50k before, I knew I wasn't going to have the energy for that this month. I set a goal of 10k and managed to reach twice that!
Gal Pals
My area of focus was articles relating to the recently-finished Gal Pals campaign. I deviated from the highest-priority ones, but otherwise kept in theme.

Article Overview


Here be numbers!
CategoryTotal Words (WA/Real)Total ArticlesAverage (WA/Real)
Places & Things5,610 / 4,4728701.25 / 559
People & Groups6,500 / 5,14741,625 / 1,286.75
Flora & Fauna2,783 / 1,59021,391.5 / 795
Culture & History2,863 / 2,24321,431.5 / 1,121.5
Prose3,308 / 2,48613,308 / 2,486
Totals21,064 / 15,938171,239 / 937.5


Gamma Radiation
Fan favorite
Rin favorite
Research Base
Hardest to write
Easiest to write
Prompt shortlist


21,064 / 10,000

Cozy Cottage

Cozy Cottage Enclave
Cozy Cottage Enclave badge by Rin Garnett
Cozy Cottage Oath:
  • I will stop to stoke the fire when it dwindles. Rest when you are tired and for as long as you need.
  • I won't force the fire to fit a different stove. Let your plans inspire you, not control you.
  • I will follow sparks of joy, not chase dying embers. Write and read what you enjoy, not what's forced.
  • My flame is beautiful and undying. Believe in yourself and your ability to create, including when it's a struggle.
  • I will tend to all flames under my care. Working toward non-WorldEmber goals adds to your successes.
(Cozy Cottage oath is inspired by the Camp Chill guidelines from Annie Stein. Insert this badge into your own pledge with [img:5035416], or include the oath with [imgblock:5035416].)

Article List

Expand the table below for a full list of articles I wrote for this event and info on how I rank them in two areas:
  • Impact is how large of an area the article topic affects.
  • Relevancy is how much the article topic affects stories in this setting.
Use the Roll button to open a random article in a new tab.  

Articles under 2023 - After Dark


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