Cobalt Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


Name: Cobalt

Segmentum: Obscurus
Sector: Koronus
Subsector: Cinerus Maleficum
System: Cobalt System

Administratum Classification:

Classification: Unclassified Planet
Tithe Grade: Low
Population: Unknown (less than 5 million)
Affiliation: Unofficially Claimed by House Rosarius

Orbital Details:

Moons: Haddon's Throne
Lesser Satellites: None

Name: Haddon's Throne

Segmentum: Obscurus
Sector: Koronus
Subsector: Cincerus Maleificum
System: Cobalt System

Administratum Classification:

Classification: Unclassified Moon
Tithe Grade: None
Population: None
Affiliation: Unofficially Claimed by House Echo

Orbital Details:

Moons: None
Lesser Satellites: Haddon



Cobalt would be a wonder in a “civilized” sector of space, but in the Expanse, this extraordinary ice world is practically overlooked. A nameless Rogue Trader, to better exploit the undersea mineral riches of the world, bred great leviathans. These leviathans were as large as the Walking Hive Ambulon on Scintilla. Some say these creatures swam the seas of Cobalt long before the Emperor rose on Terra, but it is impossible to prove now. Each beast, attached to its thick hide, carries a small city of refineries and filters that purify the rare chemicals that these leviathans gather as they swim Cobalt’s frozen waters. The inhabitants of these massive beast-cities consider their way of life perfectly normal, and laugh at the strange ways of outsiders.  

Haddon's Throne:

Haddon’s Throne is a desolate, blinding wasteland of white. The thin atmosphere produces little wind, so almost none of the vast banks of carbon and water ice that coat its surface are disturbed. The planets atmosphere is breathable, however to venture outside for extended periods is a death sentence, as the surface of the moon is sub-zero all year round. Large, dark fractures litter the surface of the moon, where promethium veins pool up from deep beneath the pallid surface.

Fauna & Flora


Atmospheric Details:


Roughly Terran Standard


Oxygen, Hydrogen blend

Surface Details:

Frozen Oceans cover the surface of the planet almost completely

Water Presence:

Carbon Dioxide / Hydrogen Monoxide Ice


Roughly Terran Standard

Presence of Life:


Inhospitable to Deadly

Xenos Life Presence:


Human Habitability:

Limited without assistance

Human Presence:

Small populations live in habs attached to gigantic water-bound beasts    

Haddron's Throne

Atmospheric Details:


Below Terran Standard


Oxygen, Nitrogen blend

Surface Details:

No topographical data

Water Presence:

Carbon Dioxide / Hydrogen Monoxide Ice


Roughly Terran Standard

Presence of Life:


Temperate to Inhospitable

Xenos Life Presence:


Human Habitability:

Limited if Assisted

Human Presence:


Natural Resources

Industrial Mineral Deposits:

Single Deposit, Excessive Supply (Unrefined Promethium)

Ornamental Mineral Deposits:

Single Deposit, Limited Supply (Diamonds)

Radioactive Mineral Deposits:

No deposits

Exotic Mineral Deposits:

No deposits

Organic Compound Presence:


Curative Cultivations:

No deposits

Juvenat Compound Cultivations:

No deposits

Toxin Cultivations:

No deposits

Vivid Accessory Cultivations:

No deposits

Exotic Cultivations:

No deposits

Anomalous Presence:

Archeotech Caches:

No deposits

Xenos Ruins:

No deposits


Cobalt.d.1 was not discovered until House Echo began surveying the system in 878.M41 The moon was found to possess an unusual orbital presence, a small asteroid becoming a very rare case of a sub-satellite. In honour of the anomaly (and in reference to its prodigious size of 3.2km) the sub-satellite was named Haddon, and Cobalt.d.1 was renamed Haddon’s Throne. Shortly after this, House Echo deployed a Jovian Pattern Modular Hab Base to the moon with equipment to begin slowly surveying the system, on the promise that they would return in two month’s time to restock food supplies for the surveyors occupying the base.
Alternative Name(s)
Haddon's Throne
Star System
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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