Lacristy Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


The world of Lacristy was settled, according to rotting tomes discovered in the libraries of Mulcibet Minor, in the dim prehistory of mankind. When the star it orbits went nova, ancient technologies far beyond the reach of the Adeptus Mechanicus trapped the expanding shell in a twisted fold of space. The technology used to trap the dying star is still present on Lacristy, but it is slowly failing. Each year, spikes of roiling plasma escape the star and wreak havoc in the system. Lacristy itself has an erratic orbit, twisting and looping around the gravitational folds and mass whirlpools. Time itself is warped; on Lacristy, days can pass in hours or stretch into decades.


Star Type

Mighty: The fierce light of this star dominates its system utterly. Its coloration is blue or blue-white.  

System Feature

  Ruined Empire: The star was captured due to the technology of this now ruined world. The technological advances that could still be salvaged from this doomed system are impossible to predict. The implications of such technology is equally nebulous. Anything valuable the imperium will want. Anything unique or invaluable the imperium will want to destroy, along with anyone who knows about it.  

Inner Cauldron

Asteroid Cluster: A full-bodied and cohesive Asteroid Cluster is usually formed from the remains of a planet or moon that has undergone some incredible cataclysm. The pieces are held together by what is left of the planetoid’s gravitational field, although spread out over a rather larger area of space. Pirates frequently use the obscuring screen of an Asteroid Cluster to their advantage, and valuable salvage can occasionally be found drifting amongst the rocks. Wise captains are aware that such salvage is usually derived from those same pirates, or from others who did not respect the dangers of an asteroid field, and attempt retrieval accordingly. Navigating an Asteroid Cluster follows the rules for Asteroid Fields.

Dust Clouds: A dust cloud is a vast, dense cloud of gas and dust drifting in space. A successful Difficult (+2 black Navigation) is required to pass through a dust cloud on a proper course. Success means the ship makes its way through the dust cloud quickly, but failure means the ship is delayed. For every degree of failure, the ship must spend an extra day getting to its destination. In addition, the maximum weapon range for ships in a dust cloud is limited by the dust cloud's density. A ship making a Silent Running Maneuver gains +2 green to its Maneuver Tests. Any Tests using a ship’s auger arrays within a dust cloud are made +1 purple & black more difficult.

Radiation Bursts x2: Unlike most System Elements, Radiation Bursts do not represent an actual presence within the System. Instead, they exert an influence over the Solar Zone in which they are present (almost invariably the Inner Cauldron). The Detection roll of any ship in the affected area is halved, as constant low-grade interference degrades any readings gathered. In addition, activity within an affected star can result in a surge of radiation throughout the Solar Zone. Such surges tend to be infrequent, spaced over periods of weeks, months, or more, but can occur as often as every few days after a sufficient build-up. Spotting the fluctuations that precede a radiation surge requires an Ordinary Scrutiny Test. Avoiding the effects requires leaving the affected Solar Zone, sheltering behind a nearby Planet or Gas Giant, or by temporarily insulating the ship’s augers with a Hard Tech–Use Test. Any ship caught unprotected within the area of effect suffers the effects of a Sensors Damaged critical result (Rogue Trader Core Rules pg 222), and additionally, cannot send or receive vox transmissions. This Damage cannot be repaired until at least 2 purple dice worth of hours hours after the surge, due to the lingering presence of these ravaging energies. A Solar Zone generated with multiple instances of Radiation Bursts further degrades the efficiency of augers within the affected area. The Detection penalty of affected ships is increased by +1 black per additional instance of the System Element after being halved.

Solar Flares: Though a star provides light and structure to the surrounding system, it is a power best appreciated at a great distance. Seeking the treasures of the Inner Cauldron can make a cautious captain rich, but it can utterly destroy the greedy and reckless. Many stars seethe with volatile energies that erupt forth with little notice, and consume whatever is caught in their cataclysmic path. Unlike most System Elements, Solar Flares do not represent an actual presence within the System. Instead, they exert an influence over the Solar Zone in which they are present (almost invariably the Inner Cauldron). Each day a ship remains in this area, roll 1 red; on a result of despair, the ship is caught in the effects of a Solar Flare, unless it can find shelter in a safe orbit behind a sheltering object. Treat the effects of a Solar Flare as inflicting 2 green dice worth of hits from a Macrobattery with a Damage of 1 yellow and 1 green+3. This Damage is stopped by Void Shields. Further, the effects of the flare are spread across such a vast area that it does not inflict Critical Hits like a weapon with a Crit Rating. Damage past the Armor of a Crippled ship still inflicts Critical Hits normally.


Lacristy One


Large and Dense Body: Though impressive in volume, the mass of this world is, in fact, compressed significantly.

High Gravity: On worlds of high gravity, all characters increase their Agility penalties by two black(to a minimum of one) for the purposes of movement and determining Initiative. In addition, characters add two purple to the total of their Strength and Toughness tests for the purpose of determining carrying, lifting and pushing limits. Characters also add two black to their Strength for determining how far they can throw objects. Finally, halve all Jumping and Leaping distances.

Moderate Atmospheric Pressure: Atmospheres in this range produce no ill effects due to lack or overabundance of air, though they can still be Toxic or Corrosive.

Corrosive: This atmosphere is both poisonous to breathe and deadly on any sort of contact. Anyone not protected by a full environmental seal must make a Difficult Toughness Test each Round, or suffer two green dice Damage that ignores Armor and Toughness Bonus. Continued exposure results in suffocation. (Rogue Trader Core Rules pg 261)

Hot World: Most of this Planet is dangerously hot, but various regions can be found with more moderate microclimates. Outside of these sheltered regions, the entire Planet is affected by extreme heat. Tests made to resist the heat generally range from Challenging to Hard. In some cases, the sheltered regions are also afflicted by extreme heat, but of a less severe degree than the rest of the Planet.

Inhospitable: There is no life or water to be found on this Planet.

Major Landmasses: Three continents and twelve smaller islands.

Mineral Resources

Industrial Metals: Among the materials most highly valued throughout the Imperium are a number of commonly occurring metals, such as iron, copper, or lead. Of particular note is iron, supplies of which manage to be both abundant and insufficient to demand in nearly every sector’s trade houses. The reason for this paradoxical value can be found in the ever-grinding gears of the Imperial war machine, which requires a vast supply of these metals for the billions of weapons and vehicles it produces every day.(Sus

Radioactives: Demand for radioactive materials can be extremely limited, as most technologies making use of their properties became obsolete well before the Great Crusade. Infrastructure in the Imperium being what it is, Rogue Traders can and do find worlds that have not progressed beyond primitive nuclear furnaces, but such societies are rarely able to offer the necessary compensation for supplies. Instead, trade in radioactives is done almost exclusively with obscure branches of the Adeptus Mechanicus, known for particularly arcane or esoteric practices. (Plentiful)

Archeotech Caches: It is said that during the Dark Age of Technology, Mankind spread to every corner of the galaxy, no matter how remote. The lonely ruins dotting many points of this system bear mute testament to the vast reach of these ancient human civilizations, as well as to the terrible fall that took them from those heights. These worlds which were once home to far-flung colonies bear some remnant of their pre-Imperial technology base, often providing a source for artifacts coveted by the Adeptus Mechanicus.(Plentiful)

Lacristy One-One

Lesser Moon: An orbital body somewhere between an extremely large asteroid and a very small moon orbits the Planet. It has its own extremely limited gravity well, allowing low-gravity travel across the surface.

Mineral Resources None.  

Primary Biosphere

Radiation Bursts:

Lacristy Two


Large Body:

Normal Gravity: This Planet's gravity is roughly Terran Standard.

Thin Atmospheric Pressure: The Planet's atmosphere is weak, but avoids the problems of an actual vacuum.

Pure Atmosphere: The atmosphere is entirely safe for humans and most other common life forms to breathe.

Temperate World: Temperate Planets are exclusively found in or near a system’s Primary Biosphere. They might contain regions of either extreme heat or extreme cold, and in many cases, have some of both.

Trapped Water: There is water on this Planet, but it is in a form that requires processing before it can be used or consumed. It is frozen and the water is locked away in deep channels underground.

Mineral Resources

Ornamentals: Some minerals are not valued for any practical use, but for their impressive beauty and luster, or even simply for being difficult to acquire. (Plentiful)

Radioactives: (Sustainable)

Archeotech Caches: (Limited)


Humans: The remnants of colonization efforts by the earliest human voidfarers can found her as well as throughout the whole of the galaxy. This world, has held onto more of their old glories than most, and have powerful technology and active voidships with which they fiercely defend their own. In any case, it is the sacred duty of a Rogue Trader to bring these worlds into the Imperium’s fold, and to purge any deviant elements of their populations that have grown powerful in a society unaware of the threats of the mutant and the psyker. This duty can sometimes condemn a world to death, if the chaplains and missionaries in service to the Rogue Trader find their beliefs irredeemably corrupt.

Orbital Habitation: Similarly to Colony civilizations, Orbital Habitation is not primarily defined by the technology of the populace, but by their living conditions. Such populations do not dwell on the surface of their planet, but in large stations, circling above it. The limits on raw materials and production facilities imposed by their circumstances do tend to limit the degree to which these skills can be applied, however. In this case, asteroid mining and similar efforts make an orbital population superior to their planet bound equivalents. The local civilization is aware of potential threats from outside, their habitats have defensive capabilities, similar in scale to the Wayfarer Station (Rogue Trader Core Rules pg 210).

Lacristy Two-One

Lesser Moon: An orbital body somewhere between an extremely large asteroid and a very small moon orbits the Planet. It has its own extremely limited gravity well, allowing low-gravity travel across the surface.

Mineral Resources: None  

Outer Reaches

Gravity Riptide: Though planet-dwellers consider gravity a universal constant, experienced voidsmen know that it can be a harsh and fickle force.

Radiation Bursts:

Starship Graveyard: The remains of old naval engagements and lost expeditions can be found drifting through the systems that the long ago admirals and explorers once in charge of these ruined flotillas had sought to claim. The remains of an invasion fleet pounded to scrap by the system’s defenders could circle the system’s rim, or a collection of scout ships might hover just beyond the orbit of a planet where they could have replenished their failing supplies. More often, determining the origin of the vessels involved is impossible, after centuries of degradation and the attention of passing scavengers have long since stripped away anything recognizable from their hulls. Still, taking time to search the wreckage of a Starship Graveyard proves profitable as often as not. Supplies such as fuel, spare plating, or conduits can be found intact with some frequency, and some hulks contain full cargo holds, or even intact Ship Components of great worth.

Fleet Engagement: A massive conflict once raged here, as evidenced by the abundance of battle-scarred hulls left behind by both sides. The graveyard consists of various hulks, and can also include vast fields of unexploded mines, spent volleys of torpedoes, or the drifting wings of attack craft. Roughly half of the ships and materiel expended came from each side. The fury of the conflict consumed much of value, but the sturdy construction of warships means that at least a few of them might be worth salvaging.

Xenos (Unknown Origin) Starship: Shattered beyond any value.
Xenos (Unknown Origin) Starship: Shattered beyond any value.
Xenos (Unknown Origin) Starship: Shattered beyond any value.
Xenos (Unknown Origin) Starship: Intact enough to allow boarding, but little else.
Xenos (Unknown Origin) Starship: May be possible to salvage.
Xenos (Unknown Origin) Starship: May be possible to salvage.
Imperial Goliath-Class Factory Ship: Shattered beyond any value. Imperial Secutor-Class Monitor Cruiser: Intact enough to allow boarding, but little else.
Imperial Vagabond-Class Merchant Trader: Shattered beyond any value.
Imperial Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: Intact enough to allow boarding, but little else.
Imperial Conquest-Class Star Galleon: Intact enough to allow boarding, but little else.

Archeotech Caches: It is said that during the Dark Age of Technology, Mankind spread to every corner of the galaxy, no matter how remote. The lonely ruins dotting many worlds across the Expanse bear mute testament to the vast reach of these ancient human civilizations, as well as to the terrible fall that took them from those heights. Many worlds which were once home to far-flung colonies bear some remnant of their pre-Imperial technology base, often providing a source for artefacts coveted by the Adeptus Mechanicus. (Significant)

Xenos Caches (Unknown Origin): The relics and remnants of long-forgotten alien races litter the Koronus Expanse. The abundance of these dead cities and nations across so many different worlds is the source of many legends about the haunted or doomed nature of the Expanse. Veteran Explorers are more familiar with such remains, but such profusion can shake the faith of even the surest among them, a reminder that perhaps these ancient civilizations thought themselves capable of surviving the Expanse’s horrors as well. (Plentiful)
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