Dolorium Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


Dolorium was discovered over a century ago by a forgotten Rogue Trader, who settled it in the usual half-hearted and foolish way of their dynasty. The indigenous human population, some believe, is genetically related to the humans of Falcon's Fall Gamma, but the more pastoral nature of Dolorium lead to a larger and more stable population. Dolorium is not a beautiful world; large ice caps on one side and a massive dessert on the other leave just a small band along the equator habitable and even that is grey and storm-wracked. This is cause by the planet's fixed rotation around the sun so one side is always facing the system's star. The people that live here are hardy and tough, but reduced to desperation by recent Dark Eldar raids.    The planet came to be split between Lord Captain Orleans and Lord Captain Lethe, but Lord Captain Orleans purchased the full rights, some say by force, and has begun aggressive macro-agricultural reforms. As the Lord Captain Lethe vanished from Imperial knowledge decades ago, the Orleans dynasty happily expanded its dominion to encompass the whole planet. The space hulk Echoes of Stone is rumored to enter the system intermittently; a deep space Explorator monitor beacon scans the void for signs of its reappearance. The Dolorium Vaults, a famous pre-Imperial cache of knowledge, was discovered by the Thulians a century ago. No similar caches have been found, though several more are rumored to lie buried beneath the planet’s crust.
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