Kain's Abyss Station Settlement in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Kain's Abyss Station

The station Orbiting Kain's Abyss has multiple purposes. First it is a Cult Mechanicus Bastion where the machine cult can meet and discuss their findings. Second, it monitors the Nebula and measures particulate levels within it as well as studying the gravity shadow effect of the nebula itself. Lastly, it also has wide reaching arms that gather up the particulate that is thrown off by the nebula and re-purposes the material towards the work of the Omnissiah.


The inhabitants of the station are almost entirely followers of the Omnissiah. As a result the base is ever changing due to the tech-priests constant goals to "upgrade" the station. The is a small commercial sector but most owners will only sell to people who are in the company or service of another mechanicus priest. There is a burgeoning underworld trade here that is growing more powerful with each passing year as the lower deck scum and hereteks are growing in number and looking to make an income of their own.
Founding Date
Orbital, Station
Inhabitant Demonym
Tech-Priests and Tech Savants
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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