Iniquity Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


“By this blood I swear my soul and heart to the blackness and to the Iron Scourge.”
–from the oath of the Iron Scourge fraternity

  There is no lore on Iniquity save the lore of might and murder, and its brutal society is split into fraternities bonded by blood and pledges made in unholy tongues. These fraternities control the mining and smelters in the deep reaches beneath the mountains and watch over the toiling armies of captives whose lives are best if they are short. Long ago mines were established on Iniquity, burrowing into the mineral-rich rock despite thousands of lives lost to rock falls and poisoned gas pockets. That time was ended when the indentured workforce rose up and slaughtered the mine overseers and daubed the dark walls of the mine workings with their blood. Some attempt may have been made by the backers of the mining operation to regain control of Iniquity, but if there was, it remains unrecorded, and its failure is obvious from the evil tales that seep like a blood stain though rumor and whispers even to Port Wander. To this day none has ever succeeded in cleansing Iniquity; though many have tried and failed to return.


Iniquity is a world of huge mountains rising from an acid sea, orbited by a fractured moon. In warrens burrowed into the dark rock of the mountain lurk thousands of renegades and scum of the worst kind. It is a world that exits to feed its feral packs of Chaos raiders with metal and supplies, who return with captured prisoners to toil in the foundries and poisoned mines.


The twin worlds of Iniquity are surprisingly similar, each possessing a foul mist of toxic gas, shrouding an acidic sea that supports no life revealed to Imperial classifications. However, on both worlds there are giant mountain ranges emerging out of the poisonous clouds, and the atmosphere at their peak is just on the right side of habitable for human life.


Established as a mining colony, the world of Iniquity Primaris has long since been stripped of its natural resources and abandoned, a shattered husk of what it once was. Its second, much larger twin however is theorized to have enough minerals to last another half-millennia of strip mining. However the Iron Scourge mining coalition that was responsible for the extraction of minerals lost control of its workforce well over a century ago, and what little society there was seems to have been fractured among tribal workforces.   With each clan living deep within the mountains they were mining, it would be impossible to conduct a bombardment from orbit without destroying access to the resources the Imperium seeks to claim. A small outpost has been set up to monitor Iniquity Secundus on one of the orbital moons, seeking evidence that the mountains are free of treasonous scum. However this day has not yet come, and the mineral-rich world of Iniquity Secundus remains uncleansed, resistant to every expedition to reclaim them.
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