Rain Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


“There is no hope now; I have heard the voice calling. It is calling to me from the storm in the sky, and spoke of trespass and blood, and hearing it I know it is the truth.”
–extracted from the final astropathic message broadcast from prospecting colonies on Rain

  Rain was a colony world of wet grasslands and high plateaus in the Foundling Worlds, its flora and fauna inedible but otherwise harmless. Small prospecting and bio-augury colonies were established by a number of Rogue Traders in the late 8th century of the 41st millennium. They found little of interest in the ecology of the planet and even less of value beneath its covering of loamy earth. The last scraps of astropathic reports from the prospecting colony talked of structures they had found in the dense forested areas of the planet but gave no other information except a note that the rain made a strange noise when it fell near them. Nothing more was ever heard from the colonies apart from a single garbled astropathic broadcast that raved about pale figures in the rain and sleek shapes in the clouds.  

Planetary Information


Inner Cauldron

Rain Primarus

  Large Planet with Low Gravity Atmosphere: Moderate and Toxic Climate: Burning World – Inhabitable. Orbital Features: 1 Moon. Primary Biosphere  

Rain Secundus

  Large and Dense Planet with High Gravity Atmosphere: Moderate and Pure Climate: Temperate – Verdant. Lifeforms: No fauna, plentiful flora Orbital Features: None  

Outer Reaches

Rain Tertius

  Vast Gas Giant with High Gravity Orbital Features: 7 Moons, significant mineral deposits.


An early attempt to establish a true Imperial colony in the Expanse, the world of Rain seemed to have everything needed to establish a colony world. The environment would have been equally suited for conversion to an Agri-World, hive city or even a rumored subsector capital.

Over a century of exploration and nothing of particular interest was found buried beneath the rich, fertile soil of Rain. The world had little of interest apart from its environment being well suited to supporting human life.

  All this changed during 845.M41, the final year of Rain’s colony life. An astropathic message was sent out indicating that explorers had found some unknown structures inside one of the denser forest regions of the world. A new expedition was planned to this world, but no report was ever made. The last message out of Rain spoke of pale figures in the rain, and mysterious shapes in the clouds, and little else.

  Rogue Traders passing through the system have occasionally passed near the planet, and reported no sign of human civilization still existing on its surface. Those few that have dared to land have found no sign nor evidence that the colonies that once stood on its surface ever existed.
Solar System
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