Repton Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


Repton IV is known only by reputation and distant monitoring, for no Imperial ships have ever survived penetrating the asteroids that the reptilian xenos infest. Repton IV is the homeworld of this race of murderous monsters, but they infest the entire system. Every asteroid teems with slavering hordes of three-legged lizards; every gas giant is pierced with mining platforms and defensive turrets. The xenos race seems to lack warp travel and, without the ability to expand to nearby systems, has spent millennia fortifying and occupying every inch of every planet, moon, and comet in their system. All contact attempts have been met with a hail of atomic missiles and primitive macrocannon fire. Their mysterious broadcasts, which have defied translation for millennia, lure the unwise or the unprepared into the clutches of the Reptons.
Star System
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Ruling/Owning Rank


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