Salvar II Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Salvar II

Salvar II was a mining world, that like its neighbor Damaris, used to send the Adeptus Administratum a tithe of materials each year. After a few years of attacks by pirates and corsairs the people of Salvar II were unable to meet their tithes. The functionary that oversaw the Administratum's interests chose to deal with the situation by punishing the people of Salvar II. The heavy handed tactic backfired and caused a rebellion that raged all over the planet turning it into a toxic warzone. This endless war has ground down into many low-level skirmishes without an end in sight. The Adeptus Arbites have recently sent Judge Callistar to the world in an attempt to wrest control of the planet from the rebellious populace. Only time will tell if the aged Judge can bring peace to this war-torn land.   While it is technically classified as a cemetery world this planet Salvar II has become closer to a War world as the locals have resorted to protracted guerrilla warfare tactics. Large sections of the planets surface have been given over to lay imperial dead to rest no part of the planet is safe as military detachments moving through the near endless fields of modest grave stones have been attacked the same as imperial navy fighters flying maneuvers outside the established capital of the planet under occupied imperial rule.
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