Septagonic Voids Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Septagonic Voids

In the void there are oddities and wonders but aside from all those things there stands apart the strangeness of the area of space known as the Septagonic Voids.   As the Koronus expanse began to be explored a pattern of missing ships in certain areas began to be known but in most cases reports from the survivors would be filed or there would be some sort of rumor or second hand account that could at least be used as a starting point for intrepid agents of the throne to begin their inquiries with. This was not the case with the Septagonic Voids.   Singularities are rare in the galaxy but they do happen, they can be hazardous but they are avoidable and captains with a solid star map can go around them all together in most cases. To have seven separate black holes all together swirling around each other is another matter entirely. For the better part of a century navigators and tech priests tried to discover the mystery of this bit of space that defied being mapped or documented. It was only when an Adeptus Mechanicus surveyor ship was charged with entering the area for further scans was the scope of the Voids determined.    Arranged in an exact pattern the seven singularities of the Septagonic Voids could not be naturally forming. Something had arranged them so each would push and pull precisely evenly with one another swirling through the region of the Foundling worlds. That would be worrisome enough, knowing that some xeno race was able to arrange black holes in a that would make them move together but they would eventually fall towards the center of their seven sided pattern and either destroy one another or create one massive singularity. Unless they didn't...   In the center of the seven voids an object. The exact nature an construction of said object is still a mystery as the intense gravitational forces being exerted on everything nearby is so intense it interferes with auspex readings. Only long range telescopic sensors aimed around the curve of the black hole's event horizons have returned blurry images of an object placed at the center of mass of singularities and it is assumed to be exerting equal and opposite force against the combined pull of the seven black holes.   Without any reasonable method of investigating this anomaly it has become standard operating procedure for vessels to give the Septagonic Voids a wide berth, though the Adeptus Mechanicus has theorized that if the object could be approached from above or below the galactic plane then a better look at the device could be achieved. This may have been attempted in the past but any records of these attempts have been scrubbed from official records of the area. Some think that without the black holes pulling against the devices outward force the unencumbered push from the device was so intense it destroyed any ships which have attempted such a maneuver. This in turn brings up one final and disturbing question. Were the singularities created at the same time as the central object or were they created to entrap said object? If so, a race that could create black holes easily enough to space out seven perfectly in balance with one another was somehow still not strong enough to remove whatever the object is, only stall it as long as the singularities remain.
Alternative Name(s)
Seven Sins
Black Hole
Location under


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