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Szeth, (also known as Szeth-son-son-Vallano and Szeth-son-Neturo, after his predecessors, and the Assassin in White), Truthless of Shinovar is a Surgebinder and an assassin.

As a younger man, Szeth was a highly-regarded member of the Shin society. At the time, he trained with The Honourblades, familiarizing himself with all ten of the Surges . Among others, the training included ice-skating exercises to mimic Abrasion. At some point, however, he began hearing a voice in his head, possibly that of a Spren. Perhaps as a result of this, he began saying that the Voidbringers were returning to Roshar. The Shin leaders, however, told him that his claims were false and, at the age of 27, named him Truthless. Likely due to his prior high status, he was given Jezrien's Honourblade before being sent away—something that wasn't done for other Truthless.

After being made a slave and given an Oathstone, Szeth was traded to the Thaylen merchant Vstim. From then on, whoever owned his Oathstone owned Szeth, and Szeth was obliged by his honor to do as the owner commanded; with the exception of killing himself or giving up the Honourblade. Just after being exiled from Shinovar, Szeth visited Urithiru for the first time.

Two years after his banishment, Szeth was purchased by Klade, a member of the Parshendi ruling council. When Klade pressured him, Szeth told him about his Honourblade and the abilities it brought. As a result, the Five ordered him to murder king Gavilar Kholin of Alethkar during the treaty-signing celebration. They stipulated that the killing had to be done with live witnesses, and while wearing white. Szeth granted the dead king a dying wish and scrawled a message addressed to the King's brother Dalinar Kholin. The message, written in the kings own blood next to his corpse stated "You must find the most important words a man can say". Szeth fled into hiding following the assassination of Gavilar and was not seen for many years. 


After years of laying low and being passed around from owner to owner, Szeth found himself under the control of King Taravangian of Kharbranth. He was ordered to take the role of the assassin in white once again and was instructed to assassinate several of the rulers of major nations across Roshar. These included several successive Azish Primes, King Hanavanar of Jah Keved (which allowed Taravangian to assume the role), and finally Dalinar Kholin. In his attempt on Dalinar's life, Szeth was foiled by Kaladin Stormblessed and came to realise that Radiants were returning to Roshar and thus he was not indeed Truthless. 

Szeth was killed in battle with Kaladin but his body was found and healed by Nalan of The Heralds and Skybreakers. However, the healing failed to properly reattach Szeth's soul to his body. Radiants of high enough power are able to see an afterimage when Szeth moves. 

Szeth has now become a Radiant himself and joined the order of Skybreakers following his resurrection by Nalan. He has however, parted ways with Nalan as he has sworn himself to the law as determined by Dalinar Kholin, a man that Szeth believes to be honourable and just. He wields a dangerous black blade unlike any other, a Shardblade that upon contact seems able to immediately turn an evil being to dust.



Szeth, like many Shin, is short and pale-skinned, with round, beady eyes. These features give him a wide-eyed look that, to outsiders from the east, makes him appear to resemble a child.

He carries on his back; a long, black sword in a silvery sheath, pommel resting against his shoulder, length stretching alongside his body and legs. He stands somewhat hunched over as if some weight bears down on him constantly. You can occasionally see him whispering to himself.


Szeth is mainly calm and collected, rarely showing his feelings or letting them get the better of him. He is slow to anger and previously held a deep hatred of himself for being Truthless, he blamed his dark deeds on this, not willing to take responsibility for anything he had done because he would be destroyed by the guilt. He was, however, under no illusion that he will not suffer for what he had done and was certain that he would be punished in the after-life for his crimes.

He has now come to realise that he was never bound by his Oathstone and thus all his crimes were committed of his own volition. He is deeply regretful and wishes to atone for his sins. His grief over his past atrocities may have driven him partially insane as he can hear the screams of the dying from behind furniture, in cupboards, and when he closes his eyes.
“Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king. White to be bold. White to not blend into the night. White to give warning. For if you were going to assassinate a man, he was entitled to see you coming.”
"I swear to follow the will of Dalinar Kholin. This is my oath." - Szeth's personal 3rd Skybreaker Ideal

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