Kadir Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Kadir was a man who hailed from Karakas. He was one of The Doctor's thirteen patients and his most trusted agent.   Kadir was always a troubled man, and had many addictions which included gambling. Seeking greater opportunity, Kadir traveled from Karakas to Balidan, using what remaining money he had to do so. Kadir began to his whispers about The Doctor, and began his search for him, and he hoped, more power and opportunity. He eventually found the Doctor, and began to work under his employ. He preformed the Rite of Quresh and gained his first ability. It was around this time the Doctor began expirementing on patients, attempting to give them Magick without a cost. Kadir eventually became the subject of his expirements, and was successfully able to preform the Rite a second time, albeit with a cost.   This began to take a toll on Kadir, as he began to hear voices in his head, people calling his name. He learned he was able to discern the location of these people, and his magick demanded the death of all those who spoke his name.   Kadir journaled his life upon travelling to Balidan. This journal was discovered by Bakari Okot, Jannik Servaas and the rest of their party in their pursuit of the Doctor. They noted Kadir's rapid descent into madness.   Kadir end was met outside the city of Anitopolis. He was lured by Jannik Servaas, who spoke his name to provoke Kadir to find and attack him. They used this as an opportunity to continue their pursuit of the Doctor. Kadir, unable to kill Jannik and pay the price for his magick, was consumed and destroyed by it.  

Magick and Cost

  Kadir is unique in that he performed the Rite of Quresh twice, due in part to The Doctor's expirements on him. Kadir possessed magickal claws that he could use as weapons. The cost of which was that his arms were strangely disproportioned, reaching well passed his knees.   The second ability Kadir possessed was to create mirrored echos of himself, which was used to confuse and attack his enemies. The cost for which was that whenever Kadir's name was uttered, Kadir would have to kill the person who spoke his name. This ultimately led to his death.
Date of Birth
18 Eom
Date of Death
50 EoM
1448 AB 1480 AB 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Magick after being unable to kill Jannik Servaas
Place of Death


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