The Doctor Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Doctor

Only known by his mysterious moniker, The Doctor was a visionary native to Balidan. Once an esteemed member of the College of Ouroboros, the Doctor began going down a dark and dangerous path when Magick was introduced by Solomon Quresh.   The Doctor was obessed with the Rite of Quresh and the obtaining of magick without a cost. But, surprisingly, he never participated in the Rite himself. This obession led him to being expelled by the College of Ouroboros, and in a dark laboratory in Anitopolis, he began his dangerous experiments.   There were thirteen patients during the Doctor's life, in which each patient was forced to complete an altered version of the Rite of Quresh, often with drastic results. Only four patients survived the experiments. Zehra Yildaz, Kadir, Roscoe 'Red' Callahan were all part of the Doctor's initial expirements. The identity of the thriteenth patient and final survivor is a mystery to all...
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