Nadia Kouri Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Nadia Kouri

Nadia Kouri was a member of the College of Ouroboros in Balidan during the early years of the Era of Magick. She was also the tutor of Jannik Servaas and helped teach him to control his magick.  

Magick & Cost

  Nadia possessed magickal abilities that grant her limited precognition. By possessing an item, such as a token or piece of clothing, from a person, she could perceive their presence from virtually any distance. Although she could not determine their exact location, she could provide an accurate estimate with the help of a map. Additionally, she occasionally received rare and difficult-to-interpret visions.   One such vision involved Jannik, which ultimately convinced Haroom Aharon to take him in as his ward. In the vision, Jannik was seen accomplishing "great" things for his family. Unfortunately, her magical gift comes at a significant cost, as she is blind.   It is suggested that Nadia was one of the first few people to see into the Otherworld and more specifically the Void.   During an encounter with Jannik Servaas, Bakari Okot, Roscoe 'Red' Callahan, and Andrew Henlien, she touched the scars of a woman named Zehra. Zehra had been attack by a man named Kadir, who possessed a form of magick. Instead of revealing the location of Kadir, Nadia's vision sent her to the Otherworld, where the source of the magick had come from.   The encounter had changed Nadia. Her mind was left in in tatters, and she lost the use of her left arm. She would then on be seen sitting in bed staring at nothing, responding to nothing whatsoever. The only time she spoke was when she spoke in riddles and prophecies.  
“The one you seek dwells deep within the Arash. Seek out the Shepherd, for he shall guide you along the path. Hidden forces move unseen. That which was destroyed shall rise again.”
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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