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City Elf

City elves are the most numinous of the elven ethnicities, and the smallest of them. Most city elves live within human cities, in ghettos walled off and found in the poorest, more crime-ridden parts of the city, while elves in villages are often homeless or live in shacks. The city elves are typically impoverished and survive by taking menial and unrewarding tasks or even begging. In the most desperate cases, they might enter a life of crime, or sell themselves into slavery or indentured servitude to support their families.   Though overall treatment varies kingdom to kingdom, city elves are universally second-class citizens. Elves are, by law or prejudice, unable to join most organizations or hold decent jobs, and the law often turns a blind eye to their abuses. The extensive abuse has resulted in city elves falling into one of two categories; the first attempting to hold onto whatever elven culture they can and resisting human efforts to absorb them into their culture, the second conforming to human culture as to best fit in and minimise the abuse and violence.  

Physical Description

  City elves are, typically, the smallest of all elven ethnicities, usually as a result of endemic malnutrition and cramped living space; city elves which live in the Kasari Dominion, a number of Free States, and the kingdoms of the elder races do however, grow equal in size to wood elves. City elves have similar skin tones to humans within the region they are found, ranging from pale to dark ebony, though they are capable of possessing a wider range of hair and eye colours ranging through human colourations through to metallic tones.  


  The city elves possess no great, or even lesser, kingdoms of their own, instead the vast majority have made their homes within the human kingdoms. While the majority are found within the human kingdoms, they can also be found within the kingdoms of the elder races, where some seek to regain their heritage while others see it as the best hope of equality.
Parent ethnicities

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