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Wandering Elf

Like most of the elven ethnicities, the wandering elves are defined by the shared elven past. The Fall of the Elventine hit perhaps the wandering elves the worst, and it is this shared trauma that drives every aspect of their culture. The wandering elves search for any aspect of the old Elventine and it's far flung colonies. The wandering elves are very much aloof from the rest of Runetalras, refusing to permanently settle until the mists of the past have been dispersed.   The wandering elves travel Runetalras in clans ranging in five between five thousand at the largest and slightly below one hundred elves. The wandering elves, generally, choose not to live within permanent settlements and instead travel in great wagons, known as aarthels, pulled by evails, wild haired, large built horse like creatures, with antlers. The clans themselves are formed of multiple family units and lead by a Restorer, with Chroniclers, Sentinels, and Saevherne playing important roles in the clans defense and education.   The goal and purpose of the wandering elves is The rediscovery, restoration, and reclamation of elves history and culture; it is this propose that has driven them to their nomadic lifestyle. Their nomadic lifestyle leads to conflict, as when the wandering elves enter a region they exert and drain on the region's food and water supply; additional, as many human settlements are built upon those of the elves, the wandering elves have a tendency to damage human settlements in their search for elven artifacts. Both factors have lead to the clans of wandering elves being considered by the kingdoms of both humans and the elder races as little more than pests.  

Physical Description

  Wandering elves are lean even by elven standards, but still retain the typical even athletic build. They towards bronze, dusky, and darker skin tones, a result of generation spent in the wilds of the world, however lighter skin tones are not uncommon. Similarly the eyes and hair of wandering elves tend towards darker tones, but are also capable of lighter colours.  


  The wandering elves have forsaken all homelands until they are capable of restoring their history, religion, and culture. Currently the majority of wandering elves are found within Undras, Atarsid City-States, and Wild Isles, although clans of various sizes can be found throughout the known world. The only permanent settlement exist with the Kingdom of Legarvren.  

Views on Magic

  The wandering elves believe that magic is innately connect to both Runetalras and the elven peoples. Instead of fearing magic they are taught by their clan's Saevherne and their apprentices to control it and fend off weave abjurations. They view magic similar way they view fire, an essential but dangerous tool which must be used.
Parent ethnicities

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