Deckard Cain Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Deckard Cain

Elder Deckard Cain (a.k.a. The Last Horadrim)

Deckard Cain is the town elder of Tristram and a scholar of obscure lore and the history of the arcane. He helps to lead and aid the people of the town as best he can, but primarily serves as a schoolteacher and advisor. He is calm, focused, and knowledgeable, always trying to focus on what is known over what is believed.   With the events of the Darkening endangering the people of Tristram, Cain revealed that he was a trained scholar and amateur mage, trained in the far eastern lands of Kehjistan. He offers his services to those aiding the town, including using his vast knowledge and magical prowess to identify ancient magical relics found within the halls of the Tristram Cathedral and beyond.   Usually going by just "Cain", he eventually revealed his full name and heritage as the last known scion of the Horadrim order, offering to provide whatever help he could to those who sought to save the people of Khanduras from the hellish evil growing within the labyrinth beneath Tristram.
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Year of Birth
1202 AK 61 Years old


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