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Camillia Fara

Warden of Derta

Written by Azrael91

Observations from the Locals of Derta

"Camillia is a head strong younger woman. She probably needs a companion to help even her out, but regardless she has potential. She ultimately contributes to Detra, and that earns her the right to be whatever she is."

-Mayor Canus Cato

"Camillia enjoys drink more than many. I often see her in my inn drinking down her coin. She gets quite rough around the edges when she's had too much. Perhaps that contributes to why see has trouble catching a potential mate's eye. Though don't get me wrong, she always pays her bill and refrains from breaking anything inside my inn - so long as that stays true she'll remain welcome here."

-Innkeeper Lars Cato

"Ms. Fara should look to tidy herself. She lives a good, if rough, life - but there is much room for her to grow. Should she show the community her commitment to that principle of growth I have no doubt she'd make an excellent member of Derta - as a wife, a mother, a guard, and a hunter."

-Head Priest Kaeso

Observations from the Author

Information for the Gamemaster
Camillia Fara is likely to die in the Raiders on Dertosa plot line. The players should be placed under increased scrutiny if she does, or be given advantage in the interrogation if she doesn't.

This article is mostly finished. Additional information and linking may be added to this article as the world is built.

Camillia Fara is an honorable individual, passionate about helping people within the bounds of the law. She is however a rigid believer in the greater good to the point she is willing to sacrifice the good of the individual for the good of the group. She believes Pharism does good by the people, even if it could be stricter in its enforcement of laws.

Character Location
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Portrait for Camillia Fara.
Commissioned by Dertosa City Guard for its archieves.
Main Encounter Type
Combat CR 4
Secondary Encounter Type

Character Portrait image: by Unknown
Camillia Fara - NPC 4

Camillia Fara is a human female in her mid-30s standing around 5'8". She has a firm stance, signally a resoluteness and unwillingness to yield from her chosen path. She often offers no greeting, responding only when spoken to, and is viewed by many as cold. Despite this she is well trusted and relied on by her community.
Perception +14
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarven
Skills Athletics +10, Crafting +10, Intimidation +8, Lore (Hunting, Pharism, Scouting) +12, Nature +10, Stealth +12, Survival +10, Thievery +12

STR +2 , DEX +5 , CON +3 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +0

Items Chain shirt, Composite Longbow (40 arrows), Rations, Religious Symbol (Wooden), Shortsword, Short Tool, Signal Whistle, Simple Manacles, Waterskin
AC 21
Saving Throws Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +8
Speed 30ft
Melee Shortsword +12, 2d6+3 Piercing (Agile, Finesse, Versatile Slashing)
Ranged Composite Longbow +14, 2d8+5 Piercing (Deadly d10, Propulsive, Volley 30ft)
Special Abilities Air of Authority (aura, emotion, mental) 10 feet. Creatures in the aura who are the same or lower level than Camillia Fara take a -2 status penalty to their Will DC against her attempts to Coerce or Demoralize them.
Attack of Opportunity
Bravery When Camillia Fara rolls a success on a Will save against a fear effect, she gets a critical success instead. In addition, any time she gains the frightened condition, reduce its value by 1.
Sentry's Aim (concentrate) Camillia Fara aims carefully and fires. She makes a ranged weapon Strike with a +1 circumstance bonus. The Strike ignores the concealed condition, lesser cover, and standard cover, and reduces greater cover to standard cover.


Author's Notes

I have been intermittenly building people, places, things, ect. since I was in middle school. However, this is my first full scale attempt at a star system. Any constructive comments (including opinion's like, "I'd have done it this way..." will be welcomed and duefully considered. Please refrain from comments that are meant only to be critical.

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