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Lars Cato

Innkeeper of Derta

Written by Azrael91

Observations from the Locals of Derta

"I love my brother dearly. He a good man, and goes about helping people as best he can. He loves his wife and children dearly, and works diligently as the proprieter of the Red Hog's Inn to provide for them. He could do to be a bit more orderly, but he is my brother and I wouldn't trade him away for the world"

-Mayor Canus Cato

"Needing to more still? You're asking about Lars now? He is morally good man. He could be more devout in his Pharism, but who amoung us couldn't be? I like the man, he's done nothing wrong by this community and I don't imagine he ever will."

-Head Priest Kaeso

"Lars is my favorite person is this nowhere hamlet. He's the one with the ale, you see? He holds the keys to making this place bearable while I toil away in obscurity. Lars is a good man though. Never once taken advatage of me when I've been too drunk for my own good. He's commited to doing right by his wife and to doing good in this hamlet. But, if you ask me, he's wasted on this place.

Observations from the Author

Information for the Gamemaster
Lars Cano is likely to survive most encounters he is in, since he will gather up his things (and family if need be) and flee. He is pragmatic, and has no qualms about abadoning property in favor of life. He will tell things straight, mostly, but tries to avoid getting caught up in problems larger than he can handle alone.



Canus Cato

Younger Brother (Vital)

Towards Lars Cato



Lars Cato

Older Brother (Vital)

Towards Canus Cato



This article is mostly finished. Additional information and linking may be added to this article as the world is built.

Lars is the proprietor of the Red Hog's Inn for the settlement of Derta on the outskirts of Dertosa. He is overwhelmingly liked by the townsfolk and has established good business relations with most of them. He handles most merchantile matters for the town, and he has numerous contacts in Derosta proper for buying and selling goods. He is not originally from Estrye, is silent on his past when it comes up - often trying to deflect any inquiries, but through the abundant good he has done in Estrye he has been made an official citizen (like his brother). He is the older brother of the local mayor and is close to his brother. He is devoted to helping those within his reach, is not overly attached to the church, and is an enemy of those who would inflict harm in presence.

Character Location
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Portrait for Lars Cato.
A gift commissioned by his brother Canus that Lars may always be present in his beloved Red Hog's Inn.
Main Encounter Type
Merchant CR 5
Secondary Encounter Type
Combat CR 3
Canus Cato (Younger Brother)

Character Portrait image: by Edward Barons
Lars Cato - NPC 3

Lars stands just over six feet tall with a relaxed, inviting demeanor. He is near-always happy and goes about his work with calm smoothness. It seems as though he isn't ever actually working, yet in his inn every glass is full, plate is hot, and bed is made. He often greats people with a laugh and a clasp on the shoulder, setting them at ease. He also enjoys teasing his brother about how he still has hair, even if it is greying.
Perception +9
Languages Common, Elvish (Bad)
Skills Athletics +8, Deception +10, Diplomacy +12, Lore (Accounting, Alcohol, Merchantile) +13, Performance +8, Society+10, Thievery +7

STR +2 , DEX +1 , CON +3 , INT +4 , WIS +5 , CHA +3

Items Hammer, Lantern (Bull's-eye), Merchant's Scale, Oil, Padded Armor, Shortsword, Short & Long Tools, Waterskin, Writing Set
AC +18
Saving Throws Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +15
Speed 25 ft
Melee Fists +9, 1d4+5 Bludgeoning (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed)
Shortsword +9, 1d6+5 Piercing (Agile, Finesse, Versatile Slashing)
Special Abilities Bar Brawler: Lars has been in enough bar fights to know how to throw a few punches. When fighting in his bar and making a nonlethal attack, Lars gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and deals an additional 1d4 damage.
Font of Gossip: Lars' business gives him insight into the neighborhood's happenings. When Gathering Information, a person can gain as much information chatting with the Lars for 30 minutes to an hour as they would gain from 2 hours spent canvassing the neighborhood. Each person can learn gossip from Lars only once per day, and only if he is friendly or helpful to that individual. Whatever information Lars knows about a given topic doesn't change if someone else asks him about that topic, unless he has since learned more.
For encounters involving Diplomacy or Lore (Accounting, Alcohol, Merchantile) [IE mercantilism encounters] Lars is a 5th-level challenge.


Author's Notes

I have been intermittenly building people, places, things, ect. since I was in middle school. However, this is my first full scale attempt at a star system. Any constructive comments (including opinion's like, "I'd have done it this way..." will be welcomed and duefully considered. Please refrain from comments that are meant only to be critical.

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