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Head Priest of Derta

Written by Azrael91

Observations from the Locals of Derta

"Kaeso is a fine Head Priest. He does right by the people of this town and I owe him a debt for appointing me mayor. No doubt Kaeso is an odd fellow, though. He spends a great deal of time in contemplative thought, his social tact is lacking, and he can get annoying with his questions. Regardless, I like him! He is good for Derta, no question. No Question."

-Mayor Canus Cato

"Kaeso is only an acquaintance of mine. He really doesn't come into the inn all that often. But, from what my brother says and what I've seen, Kaeso is the right priest to be here in Derta. He is truly concerned for the people, as evidenced by the time he spends getting to know them and their problems."

-Innkeeper Lars Cato

"Kaeso? He's always going on about how I need a plan, with goals and timetables, for my life. I have a plan mind you, it's just not working yet. He should spend his time on the other folks around here. I don't plan on him being my priest for much longer, or this town being my home."

Observations from the Author

Information for the Gamemaster
Kaeso is generally helpful towards PCs. He is one of the very few people in Derta with access to magic of any sort, and is willing to use it to aid the PCs in exchange for donations (of time or coin) to the Church in Derta.

This article is mostly finished. Additional information and linking may be added to this article as the world is built.

Kaeso is a priest of the church of Pharism. He has taken a vow to devote his life to the tenants espoused by Pharisma and holds law and order, as dictated by the church, as his highest priority. He has been in the settlement of Derta for some time now, and recognizes that the people of Derta hold the Cato brothers in high esteem. He views those who would defy the order of the church as evil heretics and the greatest danger to society. He is suspicious of anyone not associated with the church of Pharism in some way. His life's goal is to rise to the rank of a Bishop and guide many souls to the path of Pharism and living in law and order. His services to the residents of Derta are covered by their tithes, while outsiders are required to make an offering in order to receive any services.

Character Location
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Portrait for Kaeso.
Painted by an official portraitist of the Church of Pharism for its records.
Main Encounter Type
Social CR 4
Secondary Encounter Type
Combat CR 4

Character Portrait image: by Darantha
Kaeso - NPC 4

Kaeso is a short half-elf, standing only 5'2". He is often found deep in contemplation, seemingly ignorant of the world around him. In fact he is often contemplating that very world. He often greets people not with an actual greeting but a question about how a particular issue in their life is fairing. People initially find him unsettling, but those who know him trust in his steady morality.
Perception +14
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarven
Skills Diplomacy +10, Lore (Accounting, Estrye, Legal, Pharism) +12, Medicine +12, Occultism +9, Performance +9, Religion +12, Society +10

STR +3 , DEX +2 , CON +2 , INT +1 , WIS +5 , CHA +2

AC +19
Saving Throws Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +14
Speed 25 ft
Melee Fists +12, 2d4+4 Bludgeoning (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed)
Mace +12, 2d6+5 Bludgeoning (Shove)
Special Abilities Healing Hands When Kaeso casts heal, he heals d10 instead of d8s
Spells Divine Prepared Spells DC 20, Attack +12; 2nd gentle repose, heal (x3), restoration, silence; 1st disruption weapons, mending, sanctuary; Cantrips (2nd) detect magic, disrupt undead, light, shield, stabilize
Rituals Divine Rituals consecrate (DC 24)


Author's Notes

I have been intermittenly building people, places, things, ect. since I was in middle school. However, this is my first full scale attempt at a star system. Any constructive comments (including opinion's like, "I'd have done it this way..." will be welcomed and duefully considered. Please refrain from comments that are meant only to be critical.

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