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Valorun Rainhald

Valorun was the eldest son of King Rudur Rainhald and the heir to the Amber Throne. When he was a teenager, Valorun and his younger brother, Adoris, snuck away during a political visit to Streganna to explore the foreign country. Stumbling across the Red River Keep, there was an accident that caused Valorun to think Adoris was dead and he returned to his father in shame. Unbeknownst to Valorun, Adoris had survived and was found by a dangerous vampire, Lord Demicus  During the first year of the Hollow War, Prince Valorun did as was expected of him and led Sanroth forces against those of Streganna, achieving several great victories and becoming very popular with his men and with the locals. In the aftermath of a victory near Bygate, the celebrations were interrupted by an attacking force of undead soldiers. The undead were under the control of Adoris, who was seeking vengeance against Valorun after having his mind twisted by Demicus.    Valorun was killed and his death was the catalyst that ultimately led to the seeming end of the royal line. Having now lost both his children, Rudur became obsessed with winning the war and the cost to Sanroth as a result was devastating. Valorun's proximity to Vimis Underdrey at the time of his death caused the dormant power of the First King's bastard Blood within Vimis to awaken and so begin his journey to becoming Lord No One and massacring Valorun's family.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Sanroth and Heir to the Amber Throne
Young Adult
Circumstances of Death
Killed by undead soldiers controlled by Adoris
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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