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Demicus was a powerful and old vampire lord from Streganna, the neighboring kingdom to Sanroth. At some point in his long life, he came across one of the lost halves of Ishurad's Mask.   Whilst still residing in Streganna, Demicus came across a stranded and injured Adoris Rainhald, who believed he had been abandoned by his older brother, Valorun. Demicus took Adoris and spent the next years grooming the young prince into a weapon against the royal family via torture, both psychological and physical. He provided Adoris with his half of Ishurad's Mask and taught him how to use its power to raise the dead.   He eventually used the war between Sanroth and Streganna as an opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and carve out a new territory for himself. To this end he sent Adoris back to Sanroth to cause further disruption, and although the corrupted prince was defeated by Vimis Underdrey, not before killing his own brother. Valorun's death caused King Rudur to commit the whole nation to the war, allowing Demicus the opportunity to invade and take the Sanrothian mining town of Mirstone for his own without interference. He turned its residents into vampire spawn under his command and created a lair deep within the Mirstone Mines, where his resting place was hidden.

Lord Demicus ultimately died a second and final death at the hands of Grace Velvine and Geron Solson, the Sword of the Morning, in a rare example of an Inquisitor and a Justicar working together. They managed to defeat Demicus in battle, find his resting place and ultimately destroy him once and for all.

After Demicus's final death, the people of Mirstone were released from his control but were still cursed to live as vampire spawn. Eventually the Party came to Mirstone, and by this point Magnus had become tempted by the power of a true vampire and so he enlisted the Party to retrieve a sample of Demicus's blood from his lair, claiming it was part of a cure. A magical echo of Demicus remained in his lair, temporarily trapping the party until they figured out how to escape. Magnus was then able to drink Demicus's blood to become a true vampire himself.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Vampire Lord
Very Old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Grave Velvine and Geron
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deathly Pale


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