Ansil Ironfist (ANNE SIL)


Ansil is the sheriff of Ardrest, head of the guard for Hagsfall, and the main enforcer of law in the settlement. Like most dwarves he is gruff but efficient. He has a habit of overworking himself to spare his subordinates, that often results in him being tired and even more grumpy than normal. He walks with a profound limp, though that seems to do little to impact him in combat when needed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ansil, like most dwarves, tends to speak little about himself.  Before coming to Ardrest, Ansil was a soldier of some sort, but a injury to his leg ended his career. After sometime he ended up in the village of Ardrest, and fell into the position of their sheriff and enforcer of law.  It was a thankless job, as he and his limited supply of deputies barely had the manpower to deal with the local Black Sash Gang and keep the town safe from wandering threats. This all changed when the Frostyear Guardians arrived, and though initially contact with them was tense, Ansil has come to respect their good nature.   With the rising of Hagsfall Tower and the development of Hagsfall into a proper city state Ansil finds himself now supplied with a full staff of guards and as the settlement's main representative of the law.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1123 DR 368 Years old
Aligned Organization
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