Black Sash Gang

thievesArdrestFrostyear Guardians (see Chapter 3). They were lead by Kelvin Underbarrel who was using the gang, in his own twisted mind at least, to protect the town from the dark magics of Bergatha.


The gang was disbanded in 1491 when the Frostyear Guardians staged a successful raid on their hidden headquarters, freeing the druids Admoira and Letitia Kelsey, many of Ardrest's youths, and dragging a defeated Kelvin Underbarrel back to jail for his crimes. The remaining members quickly disbanded and many have left the town after the creation of Hagsfall tower.

Demography and Population

With the exception of a few of the more vicious outsiders most of the Black Sashes were recruited from the local workers and youths, this made Ansil Ironfist's job of keeping the gang in check even more frustrating.

Agriculture & Industry

Working under the Underbarrel Brewery, the Black Sash gang made its money via alcohol, smuggling, protection, and the selling of the local teens to slave traders (which Kelvin considered saving them from the curse of Ardrest).  Their warehouse, partially built out of a Ilyrian ruin beneath Ardrest, served as a stopping point for slave trade throughout the Sheer Coast. This is how the Guardians met Admoira as she was being prepared for sale.
Dissolution Date
1491 DR
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Black Sashes
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories

Articles under Black Sash Gang


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