Chapter 5

General Summary

In this side chapter happening concurrently with Chapter 4Darian, a former soldier from the Kingdom of Elow, arrives in Ardrest and discovers some of the issues facing the town.
5.1: Darian, a former soldier and deserter, was resting in the town of Earbour when he received a holy (if cryptic vision) telling him to travel to the town of Ardrest where he would prevent a great evil from throwing the world into chaos. His first stop was the Decrepit Crab where he met Marti and learned of the exploits of the Frostyear Guardians up to that point.
Clued in by the words of the barmaid and the town drunk, Darian confronts Kelvin Underbarrel in his jail cell, learning from the madman that there might be a greater threat at the source of Ardrest's misfortune. 
He then travels to the farm of Jandi Halfhill. There he reassures the distraught mother and finds clues that the infant may have been taken by a giant flying creature; particularly a large blood red feather. In investigating the nearby woods, he has a confrontation with Reenya, an exiled harpy that was hunting nearby. While ultimately the harpy left without telling the cleric much, in parting she shed a feather, which looked like a much smaller version of one found at the farm.
Returning to the Crab he meets Mendra Brighthearth who tells him that Marti was left on her doorstep 14 years ago, and that he should meet with Saleek regarding the feather he found, when the group returns from the Greenvalley Farm.   5.2: The next morning, after sharing the morning with Mendra and Marti, Darian meets Aris Ambermaw a merchant (and warlock) trapped in Ardrest since the goblin attack. She recruits him to escort her into a series of hidden Ilyrian ruins outside of Ardrest. Using a crystal charge with Darian's magic they open a path to the hidden ruins. Aris takes the objects found inside for sale, and though she paid Darian handsomely for his services, agrees to meet up with him again. He then heads back to the Crab where he will meet with the rest of the party.
Darian confronts Reenya

Articles under Chapter 5


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