Boulrock (BOWL ROCK)

Boulrock is the second largest, independent City of the Sheer Coast (the largest being Whithall to the north). Boulrock is mainly a trading city, founded at the base of the cliffs which give the sheer coast its name and unique geography

Industry & Trade

Boulrock is primarily a city supported by trade. It has advantage of straddling two of the most popular routes up the cliffs a traditional route leading to Earbour and the newer faster path leading to Saldalemi. Goods from the farmlands and port cities in the north pass through Boulrock on their way to be sold in markets in Timer, Elow, and Clearia

Points of interest

Boulrock, outside of being a thriving settlement, has two landmarks of particular note.  

The Boulder

The Boulder, from which the town derives its name, is a single, massive, roughly ovid stone some 300 ft from end to end and 50 ft height at is tallest point. Like many settlements in Sanzeia, Boulrock was built over the ruins of a much older settlement. This has only fueled wild rumors as to how the boulder arrived at its final location. Tavern tales speak of a whole civilization buried beneath the massive stone, but that has not stopped the town from building around and in cases onto the rock.  

The Lift

A marvel of modern engineering, created partially with the expertise of the Dwarves and Gnomes of Khiz, what is referred to as the lift is actually as series of rope elevators, switch backs, and well maintained roads that make their way up the near 1,200 foot difference in elevation of Boulrock and the plateau above. Passage through the lift is taxed and regulated by the town, but still is considerably quicker than the traditional path crossing through Earbour.
Founding Date
914 DR
Large town
Included Locations
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