Saldalemi (SAL DALE MEE)

Saldalemi is a relatively new settlement for vast Elowean Plateau where cities have their starts going back hundreds of years or even to the Age of Myth. It was founded roughly 300 years ago by a local lord seeking nothing more than a personal retreat. It soon became recognized as a rest for traders safe from bandits. This brought more visitors, which bought more wealth, which soon was invested in guard and various services catering to passing merchants. This in turn attracted people to provide services to those providing services, and thus the lord's lands became one of the more prosperous independent trade cities on the plateau. Traders seeking to do business in Timer or Elow typically pass through Saldalemi.


Nominally still governed by the lords/ladies of the Evenrose family, the true power in Earbour is in the hands of the towns various merchant leaders.

Industry & Trade

The life blood of Earbour has always been trade flowing south from the Free Cities Accord via Whithall. Recently with the completion of the Lift at Boulrock that flow as only increased.


Saldalemi is a city of concentric circles, the innermost containing the original lord's keep, surrounded by a walled inner city, surrounded by an outer city, surrounded by farms, inns, and slums. The population has generally outgrown the city's defenses and its leaders are well aware of this short comming.


The town was founded in 1206 when a local lord build himself a northern country estate. Using his personal fortune, his estate became a walled fortress, which quickly became a refuge for traders traveling south towards the kingdoms of the plateau, catering to trade quickly became more profitable than a summering retreat, and the keep began to grow to its current size.
Founding Date
Large town
Location under
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Sanzeia World Map


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