Letitia Kelsey

Letitia Kelsey

Letitia Kelsey is a druidess residing in Ardrest, while not a formal member of the Frostyear Guardians she has helped them multiple times since they rescued her from the Black Sash Gang (see Chapter 3). She serves as one of the Guardians' direct link to the Auroral Mistress.

Physical Description

Body Features

Blonde, blue eyed, and busty, Letitia is considered quite traditionally attractive for a human, something she knows and uses to her advantage. Coupled with her curious morality, being reinforced by the teaching of her druid patron, Letitia is both proud and willing to utilize her body.

Specialized Equipment

Letitia posses a hand carved mask of smooth, polished wood. She wears this when casting her druidic magic or participating in rituals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised by her drunkard father, Letitia grew up poor even by Ardrest and quickly learned to use her growing beauty to get by. One day, while lying in the woods, the girl found herself before the Auroral Mistress. Pleding herself to the fae, Letitia grew in magical power, beauty, and also vice. She already had a reputation among the wives of Ardrest, when she was lured to the the farm of Kelvin Underbarrel and captured by Blacksash thugs.   Her captor, a local who was perhaps quite legitimate in her anger toward Letitia, was touched by the hag-madness in Ardrest encouraged by Marti, hag and was brutally torturing the teen until the Guardians arrived and were forced to slay the maddened woman.   After recovering from her wounds, Letitia assisted the Guardians with her nature magic, opening a gateway to the realm of the Auroral Mistress, and fighting against Bergatha when she attacked the town on the night of the Fortyear Festival.   Now she resides in Ardrest, tending to the enchanted fae tree that has grown in the center of town along with her partner Admoira.


Letitia learned to use her body early and often, and in a small town where rumors spread faster than the wind, earned herself quite a reputation for her promiscuity.  Letitia sees no shame in this as, in her words, "no one was forced, and their beds were far nicer than mine." Her burgeoning nature magic and the teachings of her fae mistress only served to reinforce this tendency and lead her into trouble many times, the most notable when she was captured by a jilted, hag-maddened Blacksash woman who was taking out her revenge on the girl until stopped by the Guardians.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Letitia enjoys the pleasures of the flesh, has a dubious view of laws and morals, and serves a fae fertility spirt, all this means that the reputation she holds in Ardrest is not entirely unearned.


Contacts & Relations

Since meeting Admoira the two have become inseparable, though the nature of their relationship is not entirely clear.

Family Ties

Letitia's father lives in Ardrest. He is a wood carver and has a reputation as a drunkard.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1473 DR 18 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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