Decrepit Crab

The Crab as it is known to locals forms the social center of the town of Ardrest. Located slightly south of the main town, and across the road from Ardrest's open air marketplace, for many visitors it is all they know of the town. Recent events have made Ardrest a increasingly prominent town, and the Crab will likely grow similiarly.

Purpose / Function

The Crab serves as the major drinking spot and social center of the town of Ardrest.  Since the rise of Hagsfall the inn has also become the default stopping place for visitors and adventurers.


The Crab has been gradually extended over its lifetime. At first little more than a kitchen and a few tables, it is now a full fledged tavern. The locals don't have much use for anything but the main room, but traveling traders, and especially visitors for the Fortyear Festival make use of every bit of space in the inn.  Recent events have attracted ever more visitors to the town, meaning Mendra is likely to expand even more.


The tavern was built by Mendra in 1465 and named after a similar business her father ran in the dwarven town of Mytwal.   On the 6th of Ches, 1491, the tavern suffered relatively minor damage in a goblin raid on the town. (See Chapter 1)
Founding Date
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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