Nurdian (NUR DEE ANN)

Humans of Nurdian decent make up the bulk of humanity, with the mass of their population centered around the Elowean Plateau. Although none go so far as to embrace it, it is suspected that the Nurdian people draw their ancestry from those who survived the Fall of the Neatherese and are more united by common location and social norms rather than physical characteristics. Thus there is no one "Nurdian look."   Nurdian culture is generally strongly feudal, and views the landed nobility as the models to follow, thus most trend flow from the top down. While the Nurdian nobility does hold values such and honesty, faith, and honor to be paramount, there also is a constant cultural clash between the classes. Nowhere is this more obvious then the fashion trends of Nurdian noblewomen, who rely on highly trained dressmakers to supply them with new fashions for each season or event. Nurdian merchants eagerly adapt simpler and cheaper methods of creating similar designs for sale. Should a Nurdian noble ever see a peasant dressed too closely to their own style they will immediately commission a new wardrobe thus beginning the process all over again.


Beauty Ideals

While Nurdians typically come with a variety of skin, hair, and eye colors, there is a decided trend in cultural fashion towards pale skin, and long elaborate hairstyles. This is typically seen as an attempt to adopt the habits of nobility and thus improve one's own social status.

Gender Ideals

While the practice is much less prevalent in the lower groups of Nurdian society, tradition places the owning of land, property, and power with the males of the family. In many places his tradition is actively being challenged as the result of the toll years of wars have taken on the male population, the growing power of the middle class, and examples such a Queen Keyva.

Major organizations

As the most populous ethnic group of humans, Nurdian people make up the bulk of the population for regions claimed by the Elow, Timer, and Clearia. In states like Sandia and Free Cities Accord their respective share of the human population is shared with humans of Krin decent.
A Nurdian man in full court attire
Encompassed species
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