
Sanctuary, the city of Northern Lights. A massive fortress in the icy mountains protecting an underground metropolis. The pinnacle of civilization for the outcast tribes of the frozen north. A strong heart, strong constitution and warm furs bring you to an underground city of both iron and fire as well as caverns of bioluminescent life. Despite the icy exterior, their city is also one of poetry, revelry and peace.


Many races populate Sanctuary, but usually those known for their resilence. Rock Gnomes, Mountain Dwarves, furry Leonin and Minotaur, Goliath and Orcs abound. Their main god is Sanctura (The Guiding Star) - Goddess of Love, Protection and Charity. They are close to the element of earth.


Sanctuary is a pseudo-democracy. Overseen by a Lord and a lordly council comprised of all of Sanctuary's guild masters, the city ensures all have a voice. The strongest of those voices however is The Church of Euphoria. Sanctuary was historically a cold and brutal place, but the goddess Sanctura helped the Dwarves of the North dig for themselves a warm hearth under the massive fortress Coldiron. As such it is a deeply religious place whose peoples strongly adhere to the godly tenets of love, peace and happiness.


The defenses of Sanctuary are summarized in two parts. The Stormguard and the Coldiron fortress. The Stormguard is a fierce army of hardened warriors and ferocious beasts. While they lack in technological advancements of Fortitude or the raw rigid discipline of Diligence, they make up for it in strength and patriotism. The Stormguard consider themselves inside and out the chosen protectors of the great city and their connection to the beasts and elements of the frozen North make Sanctuary nigh impenetrable.


The true city of Sanctuary begins after crossing through the village of Snowcap into the massive Fortress of Coldiron and down the Halls of Stone into the city itself. Sanctuary is deep underground and thus does not experience day and night the way the rest of Saol might. When night falls on the surface, the cavern walls drop in temperature and the air beckons the population of Sanctuary to sleep. The public spaces of Saol are always lit from the deep magma rivers or bioluminescent crystals and rock formations but it is not difficult for the citizens to find a dark cozy corner.


Snowcap Village

Before reaching Sanctuary proper, travelers must pass through a sprawling wintery village. Snowcap is the face of Sanctuary, a friendly, welcoming town where its populace trade the bounty of Sanctuary, from simple ores to mastercraft weaponry. The village is overseen by Mayor Aldaelane LeBeau, said to be a direct descendant of the original followers of Sanctura who founded the city. Despite not having the warming embrace of the inner mountain part of the city, the citizens of Snowcap are deeply religious and turn to The Church of Euphoria for warmth and comfort.

Coldiron Fortress

Nestled under the mountain of the same name, Coldiron Fortress looms over Snowcap Village, a strong silent protector. This fortress dates back to the times before the seven, an immortal relic of the brutal north. It houses the Sanctuary Stormguard, the standing army of Sanctuary led by a fierce Leonin, Rufus Coldstone. The Stormguard keep watch over the village day and night and if the Iron bell should ever ring, the citizens of Snowcap would pour into the fortress and the impenetrable gates would be shut - shielding Sanctuary from the worlds dangers.

The Hall of Stone

The massive entryway of Coldiron Fortress gives way to a massive quarter mile highway leading underground into the city of Sanctuary proper. This stone hall, every inch containing ancient dwarven stonework and ending with the oldest building in Sanctuary, The Welcome Hall of Sanctura - sets the tone for the warm, beautiful, quietly dangerous city.

The Low City

The lower city contains the majority of the populace of the Sanctuary as well as the majority of markets and emporiums for the far from home travelers. There are few poor in the city as the heavily religious peoples embrace the idea of charity; and for those unfortunate, or too old or injured to work - the better off often share what they can. The main Church of Euphoria is also located in this district to ensure its clerics are always close to its peoples.

The High City

Geographically speaking, the 'high' city is actually located deeper than the 'low' city which can sometimes be the cause of tourist confusion. What the intentions of the city founders were when naming the districts have since been lost to time, however the modern day interpretation is that the High city refers to the skill levels of the craftsmen. The guild headquarters of the various craftspeople of Sanctuary exist here, as well as some of the greatest art and historical museums in Saol. The wealthier of the citizens tend to have their homes here, as well as those directly involved in the governance of Sanctuary.

The Crown

At the geographical bottom of the city lies The Crown (This led many contemporary city planners to believe the city was actually built upside down). No citizens actually call the crown home, however it is home to the massive capitol building of Sanctuary known as The Heart of Saol. The leaders of Sanctuary take their meetings here, and recently this district has expanded to include a headquarters for the brave explorers who seek to understand what lies deeper, towards the center of the planet.

The Underworld Caverns

The Caverns in which Sanctuary is located actually extends for miles outside of the city. The exact size of these caverns is unknown but they are thought to extend all the way down into lower Saol and north to the unknown frozen wastes. Every exit from Sanctuary is guarded by the Stormguard via a small fortress. While the dangers encountered in the last few hundred years are minimal, the citizens of Sanctuary have a healthy fear of the unknown and populate bed time stories with the creatures from deep in the caverns.

Guilds and Factions

The Smith's Guild

The Smith's Guild is located in the deepest parts of High City, close to The Crown. The World Forge is a sacred place for the citizens of Sanctuary and is located through the Guild Hall. These men and woman undergo a decade of rigorous training as apprentices known as "Malleable" - the longest apprenticeship in Sanctuary. Master Smiths are revered as demigods in the city and are historically responsible for some of the most powerful objects in the Saolan universe.

The Artificers Guild

The newest guild in Sanctuary and often a subject of controversy. The majority of Sanctuary does not believe the scientific advancements of Odyssey and Fortitude stay true to meaning of artistry and craft. However a growing population believe it is necessary lest Sanctuary be left behind as the world advances. Still finding its footing, this guild of technological craftsmen are welding the schools of craft, magic and technology together.

The Jewelers Guild

While Sanctuary has a massive city proper, the cavern itself travels for miles in every direction. Far from civilization, the Underworld Caverns are the home to the most opulant gem mines in Saol. These mines are overseen by the Jewelers Guild, craftsmen who value precision over strength. Creating the finest jewelry and magical adornments, valued among the wealthiest Saolan citizens.

The Enchanters Guild

The Enchanters Guild is unique in that after a long apprenticeship, you are usually sent to partner with another guild. The Enchanters are a force to be reckoned with on their own but truly shine when working with the smiths or jewelers to create the most wondrous items in the known world.

Great North Exports

Outside of Paradise, Sanctuary is actually the wealthiest city on the continent thanks to the efforts of the Great North Exports. Salesmen and marketers that connect Sanctuary to the rest of the world through trade, this corporation is responsible for the transfer of the artistic and powerful artifacts created by Sanctuary's many guilds to Saol. Because the value of these objects is often staggering, the flow of wealth into the city remains bountiful.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heart
Inhabitant Demonym
Many dwarves, gnomes and humans roam Sanctuary's underground halls. Firbolgs and the rare Minotaur also enjoy its warm peace.


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