Blanth Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Blanth, the relentless fury is a legendary figure in Ozinland and a founding member of The Ozin Assembly, and has lived in Ozinland since long before it became a country. Blanth used to roam the jungle in the Ozinland area and protect it from all that intended harm, eventually leading him to forming The Ozin Assembly, which has dedicated itself to protecting the jungles of Ozinland and all the inhabitants that live within them. Blanth stands tall at a height of 6'8" with a powerful and agile physique. His green eyes, medium blonde hair, and darker yellow skin tone reflect his connection to the vibrant and diverse nature of Ozinland .

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Blanth's physical condition is exceptional. He possesses remarkable strength, agility, and endurance, honed through years of training and countless battles. His body bears the scars of past conflicts, reminders of the sacrifices made to protect Ozinland. Blanth is free from any significant illnesses or afflictions, with his physical prowess serving as a testament to his dedication and discipline.

Special abilities

In addition to his exceptional swordsmanship, Blanth possesses a deep attunement to the natural magic of Ozinland. He can tap into the energy of the jungle, granting him heightened senses, enhanced reflexes, and limited control over certain elemental forces. This connection to nature further amplifies his combat prowess and strategic decision-making.

Specialized Equipment

Blanth's most prized possessions are his four magical swords, each infused with ancient enchantments. These blades enhance his combat abilities, allowing him to channel elemental forces and strike with unparalleled precision and power. The swords are an extension of Blanth's will and have become synonymous with his fearsome reputation as the relentless fury.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before The War of Horrors, Blanth and Gaun-Yu were fierce rivals, leading their respective tribes deep in the jungle. Their conflicts were fueled by a desire to dominate their territory. However, when the invasion threatened their homeland, Blanth recognized the need for unity and formed The Ozin Assembly alongside Gaun-Yu. Together, they fought against the unknown force, facing unimaginable horrors and witnessing the destruction of their beloved jungle.


Blanth's education was primarily rooted in the teachings of his tribe and the deep understanding of the jungle. His knowledge of the environment, its creatures, and the mystical aspects of Ozinland was honed through firsthand experiences and the guidance of his tribal elders. He learned the ways of combat and magic through rigorous training and constant refinement of his skills.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Blanth's greatest accomplishment is the establishment of The Ozin Assembly, a unified force dedicated to protecting Ozinland. Under his leadership, the assembly has fended off numerous threats and maintained the delicate balance of the jungle. Blanth's unwavering determination and strategic prowess have earned him respect and admiration from the inhabitants of Ozinland.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his many victories, Blanth carries the weight of the failures and losses suffered during the The War of Horrors. He blames himself for not foreseeing the scale of the invasion and the devastation it would bring to the jungle. The memory of fallen comrades and the destruction of their once lush home haunt him, serving as a constant reminder of his perceived shortcomings.

Mental Trauma

The horrors witnessed during theThe War of Horrors have left deep scars on Blanth's psyche. The sight of his beloved jungle burning and the relentless onslaught of the warforged and The Creatures of the Deep haunt his dreams. He grapples with survivor's guilt, plagued by the knowledge that he could not save everyone. These experiences have forged an unyielding determination within him to protect what remains of Ozinland.

Intellectual Characteristics

Blanth possesses a keen intellect that complements his physical prowess. He is a strategic thinker, always considering the long-term consequences of his actions. His deep connection to the jungle and its creatures has bestowed upon him a unique understanding of the natural world, enabling him to navigate its perils with remarkable insight.

Morality & Philosophy

Blanth's moral compass is guided by a deep reverence for the balance and harmony of nature. He believes in protecting the innocent and preserving the delicate ecosystems that sustain life. Blanth views the jungle as a living entity, deserving of respect and safeguarding. He upholds justice and will not hesitate to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Personality Characteristics


Blanth's motivation is twofold. Firstly, he seeks to protect the remaining jungles of Ozinland from any threats that may arise. He is determined to prevent another catastrophe like the War of Horrors from ever happening again. Secondly, Blanth is driven by the desire to preserve the way of life for the inhabitants of Ozinland, ensuring they can thrive within the lush and vibrant environment they call home.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Blanth's savvies lie in his strategic planning, combat expertise, and deep understanding of the jungle. He excels at assessing threats and adapting his tactics accordingly. However, he may sometimes struggle with diplomatic negotiations and intricate political maneuverings, preferring a direct and honest approach.

Likes & Dislikes

Blanth finds solace and peace within the untouched beauty of the jungle. He revels in the sounds of wildlife, the scent of flowers, and the vibrant colors that surround him. He dislikes any actions that disrupt the delicate balance of nature or endanger the lives of innocent creatures.

Virtues & Personality perks

Blanth possesses great courage, unwavering loyalty, and an unyielding determination to protect Ozinland. He is a natural leader, inspiring those around him with his charisma and dedication. Blanth's connection to the jungle grants him an intuitive understanding of the land, enabling him to navigate its dangers with grace and precision.

Vices & Personality flaws

Blanth's dedication to his cause can sometimes lead him to become single-minded and overly focused on the protection of the jungle. He may struggle with trusting others fully, especially those who have not proven their commitment to Ozinland. Additionally, Blanth's relentless pursuit of justice can border on ruthless at times, causing him to make morally gray decisions.


Contacts & Relations

Blanth maintains strong ties to his fellow members of The Ozin Assembly, particularly Gaun-Yu. The two leaders share a deep bond forged through their shared experiences during the War of Horrors. Blanth is respected and revered by the inhabitants of Ozinland, who see him as their protector and guardian.

Social Aptitude

Blanth possesses a commanding presence, exuding an aura of strength and authority. While he can be reserved and stoic, his charisma shines through in moments of leadership and guidance. Blanth's confidence is unwavering, reflecting his deep conviction in his cause and the importance of preserving Ozinland.


Blanth's mannerisms reflect his harsh upbringing and the rugged nature of the jungle. He has a no-nonsense approach to interactions, speaking in measured tones and choosing his words carefully. His gestures are purposeful and deliberate, mirroring the precision of his swordplay. Despite his reserved demeanor, those who truly know Blanth understand the depth of his compassion and dedication to his people.



Friend (Important)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Important)

Towards Fros




Fros holds a deep respect and admiration for Blanth, viewing him as a mentor and an example of strength and leadership. Blanth, in turn, values Fros as a loyal and skilled member of The Ozin Assembly. They share a bond forged through their shared experiences within the assembly, and their friendship has grown over time. Blanth knew Fros's mother before she left Ozinland and thus lead Blanth to know Fros ever since he was a child. Their history and the memory of Fros's mother further solidify their bond and create a sense of protectiveness and guidance from Blanth's side.

Relationship Reasoning

Blanth and Fros have a close relationship due to their longstanding connection and their shared position in The Ozin Assembly. They rely on each other for support, strategizing, and training to fulfill their duty of protecting the jungles of Ozinland.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Fros are united in their commitment to preserving the jungles of Ozinland and ensuring the well-being of its inhabitants. They share a deep love for their homeland and a determination to safeguard it from threats.


Friend (Vital)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Vital)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Gaun-Yu holds immense respect and admiration for Blanth, recognizing his leadership abilities and his unwavering dedication to Ozinland. Blanth, in turn, values Gaun-Yu as a trusted ally and a vital member of The Ozin Assembly. Their friendship is based on mutual trust, frankness, and a shared goal of protecting their homeland. Gaun-Yu and Blanth were once bitter rivals as leaders of warring tribes in the jungle. However, The War of Horrors forced them to set aside their differences and join forces. This shared history of conflict and eventual unity has forged a strong bond between them.

Relationship Reasoning

Gaun-Yu and Blanth starting working together during The War of Horrors and then subsequently formed The Ozin Assembly.. Gaun-Yu and Blanth have a vital friendship that is essential to the success of their joint leadership in The Ozin Assembly. They rely on each other's counsel, support, and strength to make important decisions and defend Ozinland from threats.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Gaun-Yu share a deep commitment to protecting the jungles of Ozinland and ensuring the survival of their tribes. They both understand the delicate balance of nature and the importance of preserving the ecosystem.


Friend (Vital)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi




Sodi holds Blanth in high regard, recognizing his prowess as a warrior and his commitment to the cause. Blanth appreciates Sodi's magical prowess and sees him as a valuable member of The Ozin Assembly. Their friendship is based on mutual respect and an understanding of the importance of their roles. Blanth and Sodi first met when Sodi joined The Ozin Assembly. Blanth instantly knew that Sodi would become a longtime member when he first witnessed Sodi’s impressive skills when he first challenged a member for their spot on The Ozin Assembly.

Relationship Reasoning

As pillars of The Ozin Assembly, Blanth and Sodi work closely together to protect and preserve Ozinland. They rely on each other's unique abilities and knowledge to navigate the challenges they face. Their friendship is rooted in their shared responsibilities and shared vision for their homeland.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Sodi share a common goal of protecting the jungles of Ozinland and utilizing their individual strengths to defend their homeland. They both recognize the importance of their roles within The Ozin Assembly and work collaboratively to achieve their shared objectives.


Friend (Important)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Vital)

Towards Natalie




Natalie deeply respects and admires Blanth, considering him a figure of wisdom and experience. Blanth, although initially skeptical of Natalie joining The Ozin Assembly, has come to appreciate her skills and determination. Their friendship is built on trust, honesty, and a shared commitment to their duties. Natalie heard stories about Blanth when she was a child from her mother, who was on The Ozin Assembly with Blanth but Natalie only met blanth formally when she joined the Assembly. Blanth is one of the only pillars of the assembly who was against Natalie joining after her mother died, and contestest that she was simply not fit for the job. Even now he still shows some reservations about her, but her skill has slowly convinced him otherwise.

Relationship Reasoning

As members of The Ozin Assembly, Blanth and Natalie work together closely to protect and preserve the jungles of Ozinland. Their relationship is based on mutual respect and a shared understanding of the challenges they face. Blanth serves as a mentor and guide to Natalie as she grows within the assembly.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Natalie share a deep love for their homeland and a desire to protect and preserve the jungles of Ozinland. They both understand the importance of their roles within The Ozin Assembly and work together to fulfill their duties in service of their people.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Blanth is known by many titles, including the Relentless Fury, Jungle Guardian, and Founder of The Ozin Assembly.
Medium Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Darker Yellow
6' 8"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Stand tall and let the fury of nature flow through you!" "Protect the jungles, for they hold the secrets of life." "Through unity and strength, we shall preserve the harmony of Ozinland."
Aligned Organization


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